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The carpets of the reception-rooms are generally of rich Kidderminster, or velvet pile; an air of elegance and cleanliness pervades these superb dwellings; they look the height of comfort.

But still the parlor looked homeless and bare; and the yellowish paper on the walls, the large patterned, many colored Kidderminster on the floor, gave an involuntary sense of discomfort and dreariness.

"Is this a way to receive a near relation after such a journey?" "Oh, uncle!" "Why, did ye never hear tell of such a place as Kidderminster? have you no carpets?" "Mr Belfront says there were no carpets in his ancestor's time" "And no railroads, nor postchaises, nor books, nor nothing; and is that any reason why we shouldn't have lots of every thing now?

The father of one of the families was in the habit of balancing the father of another of the families on the top of a great pole; the father of a third family often made a pyramid of both those fathers, with Master Kidderminster for the apex, and himself for the base; all the fathers could dance upon rolling casks, stand upon bottles, catch knives and balls, twirl hand-basins, ride upon anything, jump over everything, and stick at nothing.

The dog I refer to was a little white fox-terrier, Prin by name, who lived at the Lion Hotel, at Kidderminster, for three or four years; but now, alas! he is dead, and nothing remains of him but his head in a glass case. I had heard of this dog some months ago, but on Saturday last, having to make a visit to Kidderminster, I went to see him.

Throughout, his was a moderating influence in politics, the Church, and theology. His best known pastorate, one of extraordinary success, was at Kidderminster, between his twenty-sixth and forty-fifth years, and there, in an interlude of ill-health of more than customary severity for all his life he was ailing he wrote, anticipatory of death, "The Saints Everlasting Rest."

"It may have fallen on the carpet," said Socrates, hope reviving faintly. There was not a square inch of the cheap Kidderminster carpet that he did not scan earnestly, greedily, but, alas! the wallet, if it had ever been there, had mysteriously taken to itself locomotive powers, and wandered away into the realm of the unknown and the inaccessible. Yet, searching in the chambers of his memory, Mr.

The pulpit and reading-desk, both of carved oak and of a tulip shape, were placed in front of the communion-rails, on a spacious platform ascended by three steps this, the steps, and the aisles of the church were carpeted with beautiful Kidderminster carpeting.

Hazlitt says that 'when old Baxter first went to Kidderminster to preach, he was almost pelted by the women for maintaining from the pulpit the then fashionable and orthodox doctrine, that "Hell was paved with infants' skulls." Conversations of Northcote, p. 80. Acts, xvii. 24. Now the celebrated Mrs. Crouch. Mr.

Neither father nor son seemed any worse for their trial; the Roundheads, they said, had not treated them ill, and had even allowed sundry extra comforts to old Mr Lane. So matters dropped back into their old train at Bentley Hall for about a month longer. Then, one August morning, Colonel Lane, who had ridden to Kidderminster, entered the parlour with an open letter in his hand.