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The General made a deprecatory gesture, and was on the point of saying something, when the man of the house spoke up. "Ef you're Gener'l Forrest," he said, "you'll be more than pleased to know that the Yankees ain't never took time for to cook supper. After they hit the furder bank they jest kep' on a-humpin', an' I don't blame 'em myself, bekaze 'twuz the only way wet men could keep warm."

That seemed to take her fancy, an' after that she was always askin' me how little April was but not when Mr. Loneway was in hearin'. I see well enough she didn't want he should know that she was grievin' none. "All the time kep' comin', every night, another armful o' good things. Land! that man he bought everything. Seems though he couldn't buy enough.

He told White that there was but one unprotected approach a long unused trail that led down from the cliff-top and ended in a briar tangle fifty feet above the ledge. That trail, it was evident, 'Kep' Queen did not know existed. Young Thomas had ridden with Brunner, seeking him out, as the novice always seeks out the veteran, to practise his valorous speeches upon.

Bill is the undertaker's assistant, and is always on call in cases of emergency. "What happened, Bill?" "They thought they'd bury 'im this afternoon, but they took an' kep' 'im over till to-morrow." "But you came prepared." "Yas, no time to go home in hayin'. The pump fer me, and the black togs."

"I was over to the tavern to-night, an' a feller from Gorham got to talkin' an' braggin' 'bout what a stock o' goods they kep' in the store over there.

I knew that jest as soon as the pain subsided he would be good as gold, so I kep' on, cool and collected, and got the thorn out, and did up the suffering toe in Pond's Extract, and I hadn't only jest got it done, when, for all the world! if I didn't see a double team stop in front of the house, and I peeked through the winder and see as it wuz the livery stable man from Jonesville, and he had brung down the last straws to be lifted onto the camel's back a hull lot of onexpected company.

And though I wouldn't have it get out for the world, I can't help seein' it, that he goes fur ahead of Tirzah Ann in intellect, and nobleness of nater; and though I love 'em both devotedly, I do, and I can't help it, like him jest a little mite the best. But this I wouldn't have get out for a thousand dollars. I tell it in strict confidence, and s'pose it will be kep' as such.

When we got to town we went to a smallish hotel, near the ferry, where Jone knowed the man who kep' it, who wouldn't bother about none of us havin' a scrap of baggage, knowin' he'd get his money all the same, out of either Jone or his father. They had two rooms right across the hall from ours. We hadn't been inside our room five minutes before Mrs. General Jackson come a-knockin' at the door.

"I've had a letter." "From Annie?" He nodded. "What's she say?" asked his mother. But before he could answer, she threw in a caressing invitation. "You want I should get you a piece o' gingerbread and a glass o' milk?" "No, I ain't hungry. She says she's kep' school about long enough, and if I'm goin' to farm it, she'll farm it, too.

It wuz a fearful tuff job we had took onto ourselves, for we had got to make all the things to sell out of what we could get holt of, for, of course, our husbands all kep the money purses in their own hands, as the way of male pardners is.