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I try stop him fum takin' de car, but he push me on one side an' order me up, like he was Wilson hisself. So I took him to de top flo'. But when we got dere an' he went to Miss Mayo's do', I jes' kep' de car right dere an' watch him." "Good boy! What happened?" "He knock an' nuffin' happen. Den he call out, 'Doris, Doris, jes' like dat, an' she come an' talk to him; but she didn't open de do'."

"Perhaps you think," said the old man, "from the way I spoke, that I don't believe them fellers with the jinted poles can ketch fish, but that ain't so. That old story about the little boy with the pin-hook who ketched all the fish, while the gentleman with the modern improvements, who stood alongside of him, kep' throwin' out his beautiful flies and never got nothin', is a pure lie.

"Wal, by and by she come out with her han'ker-chief to her eyes, and come on deck, and begun talk-in' to the cap'n and Mr. More, and a wishin' all kinds o' blessin's on their heads. "Wal, Tom Toothacre didn't say a word, good or bad; but he jest kep' a lookin' at her, watchin' her as a cat watches a mouse. Finally we up sail, and started with a fair breeze.

'Well, you suppose, and I suppose we may all suppose, I guess; but that does not make a thing be, as wasn't before; and you tell me as how the lass is kep' private up there, and will be till you're done educating her a precious good 'un that is! And he laughed a little lazily, with the ivory handle of his cane on his lip, and eyeing Madame with indolent derision.

When we got there she set me down in a split-bottomed chair, and set herself down on a little low stool in front of me, holding both of my hands, and says: "Now I can have a GOOD look at you; and, laws-a-me, I've been hungry for it a many and a many a time, all these long years, and it's come at last! We been expecting you a couple of days and more. What kep' you? boat get aground?" "Yes'm she "

Banquo went on: "I thought when I come out o' the 'orspital as it were all up wi' playin' the cornet. But I made up my mind as I'd try. So I kep' up practice all the way home from the Cape, and when we got to Southampton I could just manage to blow into the mouthpiece. It hurt a bit, too, I can tell you. You see, I can only play on one side o' my mouth like this.

He laid his wife down half faintin', told the screamin' children to look out for her and keep out of the kitchen, hollered for the hired man to go after a doctor, and fell back into a kind of spazzum. He bein' a good man who wouldn't swear, or rare round kep in his feelin's more.

"Still following that thing?" interrupted Harry. "Yes," said Tony; "an' then I got over on the tree and kep' down the creek " "Still following?" asked Harry. "Yes; and I got a long ways down, and had one bad tumble, too, in a dirty little gully; and it was pretty nigh day when I turned to come back.

Arter he had been mad for a week in a state of mind, in short, in which, if I had let him sit on the organ for only two minutes, I believe he would have bust but we kep the organ from him Mr. Chops come round, and behaved liberal and beautiful to all. Chops said to this Bonnet, who said his name was Normandy, which it wasn't: "Normandy, I'm a goin into Society. Will you go with me?"

"I told him straight, an' he looked at me an' down he flops on his knees. An' he made 'em all flop, but I told him I didn't care for them putting up any camp-meeting over me; an' he says, 'I'll lick you, an' I says, 'Dare you to! I told him mother kep' a-licking me for nothing, an' I'd not pray for her, not in Sunday-school or anywheres else. Do you pray much?" "No," replied Lin, uneasily.