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And Kennon learned the Lani version of creation, of the first man and woman, cast out of Heaven for loving each other despite the Master's objection, of how they came to Flora and founded the race of the Lani.

I was disappointed in your reaction when you first saw them, but I suppose it was natural. At any rate this should clear the air." "It does intellectually," Kennon admitted. "But the physical resemblance is so close that it is difficult to accept." Alexander smiled. "Don't worry. You'll accept it in time. Now I think it's time that you met the Family." The main salon was crowded.

To you it's probably better to be a rich slaver living off the legacy of a Degrader than a penniless humanitarian. But you've lost your chance." Douglas screamed with rage. He whirled on Kennon, his face a distorted mask of hate. "Hold it!" Kennon barked. "I don't want to kill you, but I'll burn a hole clear through your rotten carcass if you make another move. I have no love for your kind."

You men have been our masters for centuries, yet you do not know our redes. Nor do you know what we think, We obey you, but there are parts of us you do not own. It is easy to hide a little thing like this." Kennon nodded. It figured. He seated another bolt. Three more and the drive room would be restored and they could start on the control circuits.

You embarrass me." "I'll go," Copper said, "but you'll have to be embarrassed. Only household Lani wear cloth." She frowned, two vertical furrows dividing her dark brows. "I've never understood why inhouse Lani have to be disfigured that way, but I suppose there's some reason for it. Men seldom do anything without a reason." Kennon shook his head.

The ship landed gently on a pitted concrete slab near the massive radiation shields of the barricaded entranceway to the fortress. Projectors in polished dually turrets swivelled to point their ugly noses at them. It gave Kennon a queasy feeling. He never liked to trust his future to automatic machinery.

Kennon backed away, watching the humanoid's eyes for that telltale flicker of the pupils that gives warning of attack. The expression on George's face never changed. It was satisfied smug almost reflecting the feelings of a brute conditioned to kill and given an opportunity to do so. The Lani radiated confidence. Kennon shivered involuntarily.

"I'll take care of that," Alexander promised. "Now I'd like you to meet Old Doc's replacement. This is Dr. Kennon, our new veterinarian." "Pleased, I'm sure," Goldie said. "You look like a nice man." "He is," Alexander said, "but he's just as hard as Old Doc and he'll have the same powers. Goldie's the head housekeeper," Alexander added.

"The ship was old." "I know. You've told me more than you think. I'm a telepath, you know." "I've never forgotten it," Kennon said. "That was one of the principal reasons I came here. I wanted to see how you'd react when you learned the whole truth." "And I suppose you gloat no you're not doing that. But you are right. I could have checked it further. But I didn't.

They could be twice as much trouble as they are. All right, it's safe to go in now." Douglas let the gun dangle in his hand. Kennon unlocked the door. And George rolled over, muscles bunched and driving! He hit the door with such force that Kennon was slammed against the wall, dazed half stunned by the speed of the attack. George he had time to think in one brief flash wasn't stupid.