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Kennedy at once began his investigation by discovering what seemed to have escaped others.

His election to full membership of the Chesapeake Club was not due to his wealth and commercial standing neither of these would have availed him but to the fact that he had married a daughter of Judge Wharton of Wharton Hall, and had thus, by reason of his alliance with one of the first families of the State, been admitted to all the social privileges of Kennedy Square.

I did so and was amazed to find that through a hole less than a quarter of an inch in diameter the brass tube enabled me to see the entire room next to us. I looked up at Kennedy in surprise. "What do you think of this, Miss Kendall?" I asked, moving the settee out of her way. "What do you call it?" "That is a detectascope," he replied, "a little contrivance which makes use of the fish-eye lens.

As Kennedy related the conversation to me on our way over to Staten Island I tried to piece the thing together, but like one of the famous Chinese puzzles, it would not come out.

The writing signed "Thurston" on sheet number one was faint, almost imperceptible, but on paper number two, in black letters, appeared what Kennedy had written: "Dear Harris: Since we agreed to disagree we have at least been good friends." "It is like the start of the substituted letter, and the other is like the missing note," gasped Leland in a daze. "Yes," said Kennedy quickly.

Much the same thing happened to Kennedy. For the greater part of the second round he fought without knowing it. When Jimmy Silver called time he was in as good case as ever, and the only effects of the blow on his head were a vast lump underneath the hair, and a settled determination to win or perish. In a few minutes the bell would ring for tea, and all his efforts would end in nothing.

"I should like to see the dog," remarked Kennedy simply. "Miss Sears," asked her mistress, "will you get Buster, please?" The nurse left the room. No longer was there the laughing look on her face. This was serious business. A few minutes later she reappeared, carrying gingerly a small dog basket. Mrs. Blake lifted the lid.

In October last, I saw him in a house in East Fourth street. Mr. Howe: What were you doing at that house? Dr. Kennedy: I was attending a lady there, professionally. Mr. Howe: Would you know that lady again? Dr. Kennedy: I should. Mr. The lady complied with Mr. Howe's request, and amidst breathless silence Mr. Howe, addressing Dr. Kennedy, said, "Doctor, is that the lady?" Dr. Kennedy: It is. Mr.

"What's the matter?" cried Aunt Josephine coming in where the footman and the maid were arguing what was to be done. She gave one look at the bed, the clothes, and the servants. "Call Mr. Kennedy!" she cried in alarm. "Elaine is gone no one knows how or where," announced Craig as he leaped out of bed that morning to answer the furious ringing of our telephone bell.

It had saved the life of Buster. But would it bring back the unfortunate before us, long enough even for her to yield her secret and enable us to catch the real criminal. What if she died? As Kennedy worked, the young men with me became more and more fascinated, watching him. The vividiffusion apparatus was now in full operation.