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Holymead and endeavoured to explain and apologise, but the K.C. assured him that there was nothing to apologise for. He went over to the corner of the smoking room, where the visitor who had caused so much perturbation was waiting for him. "Well, Kemp, what do you want?" There was nothing in his manner to indicate that he was put out by Mr. Kemp's appearance.

I vill shoot it," said the professor, raising his deadly rifle, and there is no doubt that the poor Siamang would have dropped in another moment if Van der Kemp had not quietly and gravely touched his friend's elbow just as the explosion took place.

They had thought they were the chief guests, but the relief that overspread the faces of those guests who were best beloved by both bride and groom was at once visible on their departure. Jasper Kemp drew a long breath and declared to Long Bill that he was glad the air was growing pure again.

Kemp had not taken the trouble to leave her summer home "to see Milly off" again. She had sent her instead a very pretty dressing-case with real gold-stoppered bottles, which the new husband now handed over to the porter. Milly's arm was caressingly placed on her father's. Horatio was older, more wizened, than when we first met him, but he was genial and happy, with a boyish light in his eyes.

"Anozer frond!" exclaimed the professor; "vy, Van der Kemp, zee country seems to be svarming vid your fronds." "I have travelled much in it and made many friends," returned the hermit. "The horse that I borrowed turned out to be a very poor one, and went lame soon after I set out. Business kept me longer than I expected, and it was getting dark before I started to return.

Then, when our guns lift and the attack comes over, his machine-gunners appear on the surface, hoist their guns after them with a sort of tackle arrangement, and get to work on a prearranged band of fire. The infantry can't do them in until No Man's Land is crossed, and well, they don't all get across, that's all! However, I have heard rumours " "So have we all," said Colonel Kemp.

The beast was wonderfully admired by all who saw it, and the judges awarded the prize and the premium to Mr. Kemp, who was the owner of the ox, thus crammed with the fat of another ox in addition to its own. Mr.

"Here, Ruth, sing this," he continued, turning round and picking up a sheet of music. "What?" she asked without moving. "'The bugle; I like it." Kemp looked at her expectantly. He said he had not known she sang; but since she did, he was sure her voice was contralto. "Why?" she asked. "Because your face is contralto." She turned from his eyes as if they hurt her, and walked over to Louis's side.

'Ter tell yer the truth, so would I. I've never known 'er wrong yet. Mrs. Hodges sat down beside Mrs. Kemp and proceeded to comfort her. 'Why don't yer tike a little drop of brandy ter calm yer nerves, Mrs. Kemp? she said, 'you want it. 'I was just feelin' rather faint, an' I couldn't 'elp thinkin' as 'ow twopenneth of whisky 'ud do me good. 'Na, Mrs. Kemp, said Mrs.