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That he should wish to carry no remembrance of our old life into our new home I thought a delightful piece of folly, and when he proposed that we should bequeath my gossamer and his own disfiguring duster to the coachman in whose hack we were then riding, I laughed gleefully and helped him fold them up and place them under the cushions, though I did wonder why he cut a piece out of the neck of the former, and pouted with the happy freedom of a self-confident woman when he said: "'It is the first thing I ever bought for you, and I am just foolish enough to wish to preserve this much of it for a keepsake.

I was by when they parted, and she shed such bitter tears it was pitiable to see. Still, she could not be angry with her idol, poor, gentle, tender kitten. She even gave him her lap-dog for a keepsake that little silky thing you have seen here. And take my word for it, that was a true love-token, for her heart was as much set on that little beast as if it had been her favorite child.

"The same to you and your dear wife, sir, with all my soul in the prayer!" responded the farmer. "And here, Mr. Nye, is a testimonial I mean a memorandum that is to say, something I wish you to take for my sake." "A keepsake, sir?" "If you choose to consider it so, yes." "What might it be sir?" inquired the farmer, receiving from Mr. Berners the small envelope containing the large note.

At the door of the cab she tried to make her take more money, and our heroine had an odd sense that if the vehicle had not rolled away she would have thrust into her hand a keepsake for Captain Crispin. Her nervousness itself had led her to come too early to the station, and it seemed to her that she had already waited long.

"I been lettin' you shoot off your head so's you'll be good and sore afterward. I always wanted a piece of paper money any way for a keepsake. You wait!" He went into the cabin and returned with a tarnished gold piece and a box of forty-five cartridges. "Here, stakeholder!" he said to Johnson. Then, to Bill: "Now, then, old Californy you been all swelled-up and stumping me for quite some time.

It happened that the little keepsake I had found for Francine consisted of wheat-ears in pearls and gold, adapted for brooch and eardrops; so I only had to drop them in beside the chickens and the present was appropriate and complete. I cannot tell of the effect as Mary Ashburleigh swept into that splendid banqueting-room, one long pyramid of velvet pierced with webbed interstices of light.

Carriages were heard outside, and two or three men came in to do the last offices. Glory had turned her face away, but behind her the women were still talking. "Wait a minute, mister! ... What a lovely ring! ... I wish I had a keepsake to remember her by." "Well, and why not? She won't want "

I was by when they parted, and she shed such bitter tears it was pitiable to see. Still, she could not be angry with her idol, poor, gentle, tender kitten. She even gave him her lap-dog for a keepsake that little silky thing you have seen here. And take my word for it, that was a true love-token, for her heart was as much set on that little beast as if it had been her favorite child.

Sitting up, he espied Bonaparte looking through one of the windows with a lighted candle in his hand. "I'm about to depart, my dear boy, before my enemies arise, and I could not leave without coming to bid you farewell," said Bonaparte. Waldo looked at him. "I shall always think of you with affection" said Bonaparte. "And there's that old hat of yours, if you could let me have it for a keepsake "

Poor lad, he was not much more than ten or eleven years old when he left Chatham, with all the charms that were ever after to live so brightly in his recollection, the gay military pageantry, the swarming dockyard, the shifting sailor life, the delightful walks in the surrounding country, the enchanted room, tenanted by the first fairy day-dreams of his genius, the day-school, where the master had already formed a good opinion of his parts, giving him Goldsmith's "Bee" as a keepsake.