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In a band of mountain sheep there will be no prize fleeces. The wild fowl do not lay eggs for market. Those powers and qualities are dominant in the wild creatures that are necessary for the survival of the species strength, speed, sharpness of eye and ear, keenness of scent; all wait upon their survival value.

They were possessed of great keenness of scent, were fierce, courageous, and very powerful animals, and could endure the intense heat of a tropical sun. They could follow the wily ocelot, making their way noiselessly through the dense palmetto-scrub, and could fearlessly tackle panthers or bears.

Snap Naab's gloom, his long stride, his nervous hand always on or near the butt of his Colt, spoke the keenness of his desert instinct. For him the sun had arisen red over the red wall. Had he harmed Mescal? Why did he keep the cabin door shut and guard it so closely? While Hare watched and thought the hours sped by. Holderness lounged about and Snap kept silent guard.

When life is understood to be a process of redemption, its various phases are taken up in turn without haste and without undue attachment; their coming and going have all the keenness of pleasure, the holiness of sacrifice, and the beauty of art.

He had a boyish air, younger than his thirty-one or thirty-two years: but under that look was the same sort of hardness and keenness which was the first thing a stranger noticed about Sands. "I'd no idea you were out west." "It's been a flying trip," O'Reilly answered. "Queer I missed seeing you before. Suppose you've been on board since Los Angeles?"

But Miriam, unheeding the question, calmly continued with a defiant keenness of glance that contradicted her measured speech: "After the Lord's guidance had delivered us from the enemy, the Red Sea washed ashore the most beautiful woman we have seen for a long time.

The vigour and keenness of his intellect and the extent of his knowledge were as amazing as his corpulence. One evening I had met him at the Krone and left the table at which he presided in a very enthusiastic state of mind; for while emptying I know not how many bottles of Rhine wine he directed the conversation apparently unconsciously.

While Marcello was speaking, the old Uzcoque had had time to collect his thoughts, and call to mind the numerous snares and devices by which the Venetian tribunals obtained confessions from their prisoners. With an intuitive keenness of perception, he in a moment saw through the Proveditore's stratagem, and resolved to defeat it.

They run eastward in a seemingly interminable range, parallel with the route which I was pursuing; their tops and sides were covered with dazzling snow, and the blasts which came sweeping from them across the wide and melancholy plains were of bitter keenness. "What mountains are those?"

When they reached a lower level, where the snow was far less dense, they stopped and listened. The sergeant's ears had been trained to uncommon keenness by his life on the plains, and he could hear nothing but the sigh of the falling snow. Nor could Petty, who had fine ears himself. They descended still further, and made another stop.