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Josie, as a government agent, was now his commander, so he merely nodded to her as he walked over to unlock the outer door. Kauffman stepped in, satchel in hand. "You're the watchman, I suppose," he said cheerfully. "Is Mr. Colton here?" "No," answered Joe. "I was to meet him here at this time," said Kauffman.

West sent two pictures the 'Regulus, of which mention has already been made the firebrand work which brought about indirectly so much mischief and discussion and a 'Venus lamenting the Death of Adonis. There were also landscapes by Barrett, Gainsborough, Sandby, Serres, Wilson, and Zucarelli, and 'poetical and historical works by Cipriani, Bartolozzi, and Miss Kauffman.

Both he and the manager stared in amazement as Joe Langley rushed outside and with all his might hurled the bomb far out upon the common. "Confound you!" cried Kauffman. "What did you do that for?" "What is it?" inquired the astonished manager. "A bomb!" cried Josie, stepping from her retreat and confronting them.

Steadily proceeding, he left the business district and after a while turned abruptly to the right. This was one of the principal residence sections of the city. Kauffman turned the various corners with a confidence that denoted his perfect acquaintance with the route.

The great Bertini in Florence said of her 'She will certainly be greater than Angelica Kauffman. ... 'Alexandra, he said, 'will rank with men. The egotism of the creature! You see there are others who admire her besides yourself." "None more passionately." "I thought so. But look this way, Tityrus," said she, wheeling quickly and stepping forward. "How do you do, Alexandra!"

Kauffman, seeing Edwin's zeal and courage, were surprized and pleased, and, taking note of the good he was accomplishing, offered him the privilege of holding prayer-meetings in their home. Soon others gave him the same opportunity, and it was evident that God was using him even to the saving of a few souls.

This Kauffman makes frequent trips to Dorfield, giving orders to Dyer, and on one occasion Kauffman, who stops at the Mansion House while in town, hired Tom Linnet to place a bomb in the Airplane Factory, causing an explosion which destroyed many government airplanes and killed several employees.

Dorcas Spencer, State Secretary W.C.T.U.; Mrs. Augusta C. Bainbridge, State Superintendent Purity W.C.T.U.; Mrs. Elizabeth Kauffman, matron of the Home of Peace; the chaplain of the Sailors' Home, in which place I had held frequent meetings; Mr. and Mrs. George S. Montgomery; Judge George Cabaniss; Captain and Mrs.

Having become acquainted with a young married couple named Frank and Amanda Kauffman, Edwin went often to their home to pour out his troubles and perplexities. But although these people tried hard to help him, their efforts often plunged him into greater doubts and confusion.

"Dyer is clearly the head of the German spy plot in Dorfield, but the person who acts as medium between Dyer and the Master Spy is an alleged suspender salesman calling himself Abe Kauffman.