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Oh, an' to be sure ye can depind on Kitty to kape watch at the stove-pipe hole, an' to tell all y'r plottin's an' contrivin's to them that'll get the cheese out o' y'r mousetrap for ye before ye catch any poor cratur in it." "Of course I can depend on her as far as I trust her. All she knows is that she must look out for the girl to see that she does not run away or do herself a mischief.

I haven't the remotest notion what he meant. Why didn't you ask him?" "Well, the truth is," said Katy, "that I proide myself on being able to kape me mouth shut when I should." "I'll leave to think over it," said Linda. "At present I have no more idea than you in what respect my desert garden could resemble a graveyard. Oh! yes, there's one thing I wanted to ask you, Katy.

The bonds 'll kape till then, as I know ye haven't towld Rivers anythin' about what ye done wid thim." With these words the chief retired, and locked the door after him. That same evening Russell was astonished at receiving a fairly written note, which when opened contained the following in English: "The King will graciously pleased to receive Lord Russell this evening at seven o'clock."

After sitting for a time silent, he suddenly enquired, "Do they ate pratees like other people?" A lady, present, in order to impose upon his credulity, replied, "Indeed Terry they not only eat potates, but they sometimes eat people." His countenance expressed much alarm, as he replied, "Faix thin, but I'll kape out o'their way."

He wint off, an' I noticed that this man that was contempshus set off from the halt wid a shunt as tho' he was bein' kicked behind. That same night there was a Paythan picnic in the hills about, an' firin' into our tents fit to wake the livin' dead. 'Lie down all, I sez. 'Lie down an' kape still. They'll no more than waste ammunition.

Protestants gets on because they kape their shops cleaner, an' has more taste, an' we'd sooner belave thim an' thrust thim that they'd kape their word an' not chate ye, than our own people. Yes, 'tis indeed quare, but it's thrue. The very priests won't deny it. An' another thing they wouldn't deny. The murtherin', sweatin' landlords that'll grind the very soul out of ye who are they? Tell me now.

"Yes, an' 'tis ye that'll be 'round agin to kape me from proper enjoyment av the blissin's av civilization wid yer talk av the gold that's to be found in thim mountains that nobody but ye knows where they are. 'Tis a fool I am to be listenin' to yer crazy drames." "Just keep your shirt on a little longer, pard," returned the other soothingly. "We've most enough for a grub-stake now.

"She's no right then!" exclaimed the old woman angrily; "she'll get no luck to be grudging her pince that way. 'Tis hard work anny priest would have to kape the likes of hersilf from being haythens altogether." There was a nine per cent. annual dividend declared at the directors' meeting the next week, with considerable applause from the board and sincere congratulations to the agent.

Save the bit to kape me from the potter's field and to pay for sayin' a mass for me sowl, what do the likes of me want wid hoardin' gold and silver? "I'll buy a boy. I have no son of me own. I'll see if Neale shall not do me proud in the years to come God bliss the bye!" He seized the boy's hand and wrung it hard. "Oh, Mr.

"You'll have to pay more for it then," returned the bully. "That's not enough." "Sure we haven't got a rap more to kape our pots bilin', sor," returned Flinders, in a tone of despair. "Lastewise I can spake for myself; for I'm claned out all but." "Row much does the `all but' represent?"