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And now, Sir, we come to the doctrine of internal improvement, that other usurpation, that other oppression, which has come so near to justifying violent disruption of the government, and scattering the fragments of the Union to the four winds. Have the gentleman's State-rights opinions always kept him aloof from such unhallowed infringements of the Constitution?

It would be neither just nor wise, in my opinion, to require them to remain as Slaves" thus, not only approving the employment of Black Slaves as soldiers, to fight White Union men, but justifying their Emancipation as a reward for Military service.

She could but hear such words with thrills of rejoicing affection; and on they walked, Laura trembling and struck with sorrow at the depth of repentance he now and then disclosed, though not in the least able to fathom it, thinking it all his nobleness of mind, justifying him to herself, idolizing him too much to own he had ever been wrong; yet the innate power of tact and sympathy teaching her no longer to combat his self-reproaches, and repeat his former excuses, but rather to say something soothing and caressing, or put in some note of thankfulness and admiration of Amy and Guy.

Furthermore, on the 9th of December, Colonel Woodford won a brilliant victory over the enemy at the Great Bridge, thus apparently justifying to the public the wisdom of the committee in assigning the work to him, and also throwing still more into the background the commander-in-chief, who was then chafing in camp over his enforced retirement from this duty.

If God do not see him righteous, he is not righteous, and may hold his peace. If he is righteous, God knows it better than he does himself. Nay, if God do not care to justify him, Job has lost his interest in justifying himself. All the evils and imperfections of his nature rise up before him in the presence of the one pure, the one who is right, and has no selfishness in him.

Great instances of credulity and blindness in wise men are often liable to the suspicion of being pretended, for the purpose of justifying the continuing in situations of power and employment longer than strict honour would allow. But to Temple's sincerity his subsequent conduct gives abundant testimony.

"A man like me!" he resumed, becoming eloquent in his indignation, and, as I thought afterwards, entirely justifying what Wordsworth says about the language of the so-called uneducated, "A man like me, who was as proud of his honour as any aristocrat in the country prouder than any of them would grant me the right to be!" "Too proud of it, I think not too careful of it," I said.

These positions depended upon, indeed their tenure originated in, the possession of Jamaica, thus justifying Cromwell's forecast.

He got his eyeglass right, and looked round he had contracted a habit of doing this to see if Aunt Constance was justifying the tradition of her youth, reported by her adopted niece. He admitted that she was. Stimulated by this conviction, he decided on: "Are you going to stay in town? Where?" "At Clotilda's Sister Nora, you know. In Cavendish Square. I hope it's like what she says.

If it be said, grace may be in the soul, though the soul doth not act it until the moment that justifying righteousness shall be imputed: I ask, What should it do there before, or to what purpose is it there, if it be not acted?