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He would only have been in the way as a member of the Junta, and an older man wanted the place. Your brother has Don José's enthusiasm without his magnetism and remarkable executive power. He is too young to have had experience, and has done neither reading nor thinking. Therefore I did my best to defeat him. Pardon my rudeness, señorita; ascribe it to revenge for calling me a traitor."

The approaching departure of the Regent caused a general ferment, when a popular leader arose in the person of José Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva, vice-president of the provisional Junta at San Paulo.

Whether or not the Revolution would be depended upon the Junta, and the Junta was hard-pressed. The need for money was greater than ever before, while money was harder to get. Patriots had given their last cent and now could give no more. Section gang laborers-fugitive peons from Mexico were contributing half their scanty wages. But more than that was needed.

"It is quite impossible," the doctor declared, firmly; and O'Reilly agreed. "Of course you could go to Havana," said the latter, "but you wouldn't be allowed to see anything." "I'm going right to the Insurrectos with you." "WITH ME!" O'Reilly could not conceal his lack of enthusiasm. "I don't know that the Junta will take me." "They will if I ask them."

When you return I shall get you to carry a report from me to the general, stating what I have done. I have no doubt he will warmly approve of it." On approaching Castro they made a detour to avoid the town. "There may be more representatives of the Junta there," Terence said, "and we may have even more trouble with them than we had with the last.

"Frank, that's so!" exclaimed Andy, quickly. "Please go on. You are gripping my attention a heap, I admit. Tell me, do you suspect that some of those same chaps may have been Colombians?" "I'm dead sure of it, and more than that, old Quito gave me to understand he believed they were connected with the junta that was pushing this new revolution in Colombia." "Yes?"

I was interested, for I did not know the public had heard of it yet. The junta has just announced that the money is missing. As soon as the ship docked in Brooklyn this morning an agent appeared with the proper credentials from my father and a guard, and they took the money away. It has not been heard of since and they have no word from my father."

One of the most important divisions of the Cuban Junta of the United States has its headquarters here. Almost every Cuban in Key West gives regularly a portion of his earnings to the cause, and many cargoes of arms, ammunition and supplies have been sent to the insurgents by their brethren on this little island. The city is unique in many respects.

"Ever occur to you, Thee, that they have to be on time close enough to MAKE TIME? The Dispatcher up there must have a long head." Pleased with his similitude, Ray went back to the lookout. Going into Denver, he had to keep a sharp watch. Giddy came down, cheerful at the prospect of getting into port, and singing a new topical ditty that had come up from the Santa Fe by way of La Junta.

The day set for the sailing of the Arroyo arrived and with it at last a telegram: "Buy corn, oats, wheat. Sell cotton." It was the code, telling of the safe arrival of the rifles, cartridges and the counterfeiting plant in New Orleans, a little late, but safe. "Sell cotton," meant "I sail to-night." On the way over to the Junta, she had noticed one of Drummond's shadows dogging her.