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It is not in our day only that the pastoral oversight of the young has been deemed worthy of attention; the duty has always been enforced on ministers; but in 1878 there were first formed junior Society classes, to prepare children for full membership. There are now seventy-two thousand in such classes.

The Semper Fidelis Club, resplendent in cocked hats of junior blue and wide blue crepe paper sashes fastened in the back with immense butterfly bows, occupied places directly behind the faculty. They had gone to the gymnasium an hour and a half before the game in order to secure these seats, and were now ranged in an eager, exultant row, impatiently awaiting the entrance of the two teams.

When we got to the lights, where the girls could remove their shawls and hats, I made each of them stand before me, in order to ascertain how much time had altered them. Grace was now nineteen; and Lucy was only six months her junior. The greatest change was in the latter. Her form had ripened into something as near as possible to girlish perfection.

Merton, also, had two afternoons in the week and he and Junior began to bring home strings of sweet little sunfish and winfish. Boys often become disgusted with country life because it is made hard and monotonous for them. I had decided that I would not set out any more raspberries until I had learned the comparative value of those already on the place.

"Close up, both of you," said Mr Rebble sternly, but in a low voice, so that his words should not reach the Doctor. We moved closer. "Now, sir," he said sternly, "I called for silence twice, and you, Mercer, and you, Burr junior, both kept on speaking. I distinctly saw your lips moving both of you. Now, sir, I insist upon your repeating the words you said as I caught your eye."

The sailors had seen individual midshipmen spread-eagled and mastheaded, while all save those they could bribe were forbidden to bring them drink or food; but here was a whole body of junior officers, punished en masse, as it were, lashed to the rigging and taking the wind and the spray in their teeth.

And now as they sat at the table, the sharp-witted junior caught and interpreted every indication on his senior colleague’s facehalf a word, a glance, or a wink. “Gentlemen, only let me tell my own story and don’t interrupt me with trivial questions and I’ll tell you everything in a moment,” said Mitya excitedly. “Excellent! Thank you.

I belong to the maintop, and ought to be now engaged in preparing the topgallant stu'n'-sail for hoisting." "Belong to the maintop? Why, these men here say you have been trying to belong to the foretop, and the mizzentop, and the forecastle, and the hold, and the waist, and every other part of the ship. This is extraordinary," he added, turning upon the junior officers.

Armadale," he said. "If the governess comes to-day, let's have her at the picnic." Allan's eyes opened wide in astonishment. "All the horses and carriages in the Thorpe Ambrose stables are not wanted for this small party of ours," proceeded Pedgift Junior. "Of course not! Very good. If Miss Gwilt comes to-day, she can't possibly get here before five o'clock. Good again.

"Why, no," he said, "nobody at home comes to the office not even a visitor, except, of course, my junior partner, who visits the room pretty frequently." "Very well. You don't remember ever mislaying the keys temporarily, I suppose, either here or at home?" "No-o," Mr. Bell replied slowly. "I can't say that I do remember anything of the sort.