United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"How did he help you?" she asked. Again Hanani seemed to hesitate as one reluctant to give away a secret. "From the shop of Hafiz that is the shop of Rustam Karin in the bazaar," she said at length, and Stella quivered at the name, "there is a passage that leads under the ground into the jungle. To those who know, the way is easy. It was thus, mem-sahib, that I brought you hither."

"If they hadn't, we would have come to the cut a long time ago. That moon is supposed to be in the south. It ought to be." "Perhaps a little west of south." "Well, we crossed over the ditch down here, didn't we, and struck into the jungle from the west side of the Culebra cut?" "Of course we did." "Then if we keep the moon in the south, on our right, we'll come back to the cut?" "Sure.

There was no longer the dismal grass jungle in which a man was as much lost as a rabbit in a field of corn, but beautiful park-like glades of rich and tender grass, like an English meadow, stretched before us in the pale moonlight, darkened in many places by the shadows of isolated trees and clumps of forest.

That her life was equally in jeopardy in the savage jungle to which she must have flown did not impress him as it would have you or me, since to Tarzan the jungle was not a dangerous place he considered one safer there than in Paris or London by night.

They will come up with the horses before very long, and will know we are in the wood, and they will search it through and through in the morning." A quarter of a mile, and the wood grew thicker, being filled with an undergrowth of jungle. "If you will stop here, Ned, I will push on through this jungle, and see how far it goes. The girls can never get through this.

Like a savage tigress that tossing in the jungle overlays her own cubs, so the sea dashes even the mightiest whales against the rocks, and leaves them there side by side with the split wrecks of ships. No mercy, no power but its own controls it. Panting and snorting like a mad battle steed that has lost its rider, the masterless ocean overruns the globe.

In the jungle too, is the beautiful bantam fowl, the possible progenitor of all that useful race. I think that this part of the country, intersected by small, shallow, muddy rivers, running up through slimy mangrove swamps into a vast and impenetrable jungle, must be like many parts of Western Africa. One cannot walk three hundred yards from this station, for there are no tracks.

These extremely flat plains are flooded for months in the rainy season from May to October and are parched in the dry season that follows. As trees cannot endure such extremes, grasses are the prevailing growth. Elsewhere the nature of the soil causes many other grassy tracts to be scattered among the tropical jungle and forest.

But in that competition of the jungle, the animal has generally to use its wits merely against another animal not against man. But the American wolf had to use his wits against man; and he has beaten man, as I shall describe to you. The American Wolf Learns to Evade the Gun About a hundred years ago, when people began to go West, they shot many buffaloes, wolves, antelopes, and deer.

I found it like no other river, because in some one particular it was like them all. Between Banana and Boma the banks first screened us in with the tangled jungle of the tropics, and then opened up great wind-swept plateaux, leading to hills that suggested of all places England, and, at that, cultivated England.