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"Cousin Peter was just saying that he should think I would find it lonesome over here in the Green Forest. He forgot that you and Mrs. Grouse stay all winter, and he forgot that while most of the birds who spent the summer here have left, there are others who come down from the Far North to take their place." "Who, for instance?" demanded Peter. "Snipper the Crossbill," replied Jumper promptly.

Collins brought out an old buggy with an old horse called Firefly and helped Miss Dorcas in, explaining carefully, "This ain't no kicker and it ain't no jumper. It's jest plain horse with good horse-sense. If you don't cross yo' lines, you can drive him anywhere." "I don't know much about driving," confessed Miss Dorcas. "That is, I've been driving a great deal but I've never held the lines.

The Candy Rabbit wins the jumping race!" cried the Calico Clown, banging together his cymbals. "Yes, he is the best jumper," agreed the Monkey and the Jack, who had jumped only to the end of the toy counter. "Oh, I'm sure you two could do as well if you had only had more practice," said the Candy Rabbit, who was a nice, modest sort of chap.

Reardon in his state-room, with the door locked, removing from beneath his dungaree jumper several fathoms of light, strong, cotton signal halyard, two five-foot lengths of half-inch steel chain, and a strip of canvas. His pockets also gave up two padlocks, with keys to fit. This loot Mr.

Sometimes, however, if we cannot find a place that just suits us, we go quite a distance." "Are your babies born down in that little bedroom in the ground?" asked Jumper the Hare. "Of course," replied Johnny Chuck. "Where else would they be born?" "I didn't know but Mrs. Chuck might make a nest on the ground the way Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Jumper do," replied Jumper meekly.

It was very hard to tell what I was doing, and some of the water trickled over the handkerchief and down the front of Greg's jumper. But he drank the rest, and said: "Thank you very much" in the same careful voice. "Oh, I wish he wouldn't be so blooming polite!" Jerry said sharply, as we were laying Greg back again, and I felt something wet and warm splash down on my wrist.

He remembered her gray eyes; she was the one who had smiled at him on his first night in town. Up close, he noticed tiny freckles and a gap between her front teeth. "I'm Sue," she said. "Hi." "Claude is a famous ski jumper, did you know?" She was grinning widely. "You ski, Patrick?" Claude asked. "A little." "I'm from the U.P., did 300 feet at Iron Mountain." "Yo!" "No more.

Before the marquis left, the king made him a present of two valuable bay horses, remarkable for their fine shape and speed. One of the two was an excellent jumper, and delighted Francesco by the way in which he could clear wide trenches and lofty fences at a single bound, "jumping with all four feet in the air at once."

"I haven't," said Striped Chipmunk. "I haven't," said Happy Jack. "I haven't," said Chatterer. "I have," spoke up Jumper the Hare. "I saw him last evening just after jolly, round, red Mr. Sun went to bed behind the Purple Hills and the Black Shadows came creeping through the Green Forest. My, I wish I could fly the way he can!" Old Mother Nature shook her head disapprovingly.

When he'd slouched off, I began to hanker for the money, went after the jumper to see if I could raise his price, missed him and came back again, but I struck his tracks in the mud beside a creek, with another man's hoof-marks behind them. Well, next morning that jumper was found in the river with no money in his wallet, and the boys looked black at me until I had an interview with Mr. Shackleby.