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Shifting his umbrella from the right hand to the left, he gave three successive and careful tugs at his right coat lapel, all the while facing Judson Green. Following this he made a military salute and then, stepping two paces forward, he undertook to engage Green's hand in a peculiar and difficult cross-fingered clasp.

"I want that contract," returned Wunpost doggedly but Judson Eells shook his head. "How about ten thousand dollars?" suggested Eells at last, "for a quit-claim on the Stinging Lizard Mine?" "Nothing doing!" flashed back Wunpost, "I don't sign no quit-claim nor no other paper, for that matter. You might have it treated with invisible ink, or write something else in, up above.

I sat for a while watching the daylight fade behind the square tower of the Judson Memorial Church, and finally, gathering up the manuscript and notes, took my hat and started for the door. Mr. Wilde watched me in silence. When I had stepped into the hall I looked back. Mr. Wilde's small eyes were still fixed on me. Behind him, the shadows gathered in the fading light.

Judson promised, and the fellow, none other than the pent-browed peasant, had related all he knew of the Krovitzers' plans. Carrick confessed to some trepidation when he had heard that so much was known outside their own party. But he had stood his guns manfully and refused to fly. He gave as his reason his loyalty to Calvert Carter.

At the slamming of the door the third man had darted forward out of the shadows to fling himself upon the wooden barrier, beating upon it with his fists and cursing like a madman. Judson saw, understood, and acted, all with the instinctive instantaneousness born of his trade of engine-driving.

Then he fled to the engine-room, and wiping his brow with a handful of cotton-waste, sat down to overtake circumstances. "I am desolated," said Judson to his companions, "but you see the material that you give us. This leaves me more in your debt than before. Mr.

Both of their signatures are here." Judson sat still and sullen. "This is why it was my business to find out, at least, if all was well with Mrs. Whately and her daughter. It wasn't well, and I set about making it well. I had no further personal interest than this then.

"I'm Judson, Captain of Artillery, Departmento del Oriente; and you're the fellow who came with that quinine lady, aren't you?" O'Reilly acknowledged his identity, and Judson grinned: "The whole camp is talking about her and those mangoes. Jove! It's a wonder she didn't die of fright. Something tells me you're Irish. Anyhow, you look as if you'd enjoy a scrap. Know anything about artillery?"

"But I want it," objected Wilhelmina, "and I'm willing to let it count. But if others will pay me more " "I'll bond your mine," began Judson Eells desperately, "for four hundred thousand dollars " "Don't you do it," came back Wunpost, "because under a bond and lease he can take possession of your property. And if he ever gits a-hold of it "

The corridors were dark and odorous, the cells unspeakably foul; O'Reilly and Judson saw, heard, smelled enough to convince them that no matter how guilty the prisoners might be they had been amply punished for their crimes. This, too, was swift work. The building echoed to rushing, yelling men, while outside a fitful accompaniment of gun-shots urged the rescuers to greater haste.