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"Nor for you either," responded Juanita. "True. It is for the Reverend Father Superior of San José Mission. I'll give it to him." Juanita was becoming alarmed, first at this prospect, second at the power the stranger seemed to be gaining over her. She recalled Francisco's description of him with something like superstitious awe. "But it concerns Francisco. It contains a secret he should know."

A few eyebrows indicating a verdict that Doc Kennicott's bride was noisy and improper. "I shall choose the most vicious, like Juanita Haydock and myself, as the shepherds. The rest of you are wolves. Your shoes are the sheep. The wolves go out into the hall.

"Well," argued Juanita, "if you did not urge me in words, you used every means in your power to induce me to take the veil to make it impossible for me to do anything else." "Think!" urged Sor Teresa. "Think again. Do not include me in such generalities without thinking." Juanita paused.

"That is a lie," said Marcos, bluntly. "Oh, but you must not say that," she whispered, with a sort of horror. "Father Muro told me so. He represents Heaven on earth. We are told he does." "He does it badly," said Marcos, quietly. Juanita reflected for a moment. Then suddenly she stamped her foot on the pavement worn by the feet of generations of holy men. "I will not go into religion," she said.

A roar seemed to arise from the river and spread all up the hills, and simultaneously a cloak of white smoke was laid over the green slopes. Juanita saw Zeneta stand for a moment, with sword upheld, while his men gathered round him. Then with a wild shout of exultation he led them down the hill again.

Julius Flickerbaugh was retreating from Juanita Haydock, and gulping with unaccustomed laughter. Guy Pollock's discreet brown scarf hung down his back. Young Rita Simons's net blouse had lost two buttons, and betrayed more of her delicious plump shoulder than was regarded as pure in Gopher Prairie.

"Juanita, I think I want to please myself." "Jesus please not himself" said the black woman. Daisy made no answer to that. She bent over and hid her little head in Mrs. Benoit's lap. And tears undoubtedly came, though they were quiet tears. The black woman's hand went tenderly over the little round head. "And he say to his lambs 'Follow me."

Quaintly superstitious, the natives build so for fear of earthquakes. Corrals, pens, and sheds have been first labors of the advance guard. The stores and supplies are all housed. Don Miguel left the choice of the mansion site to his Juanita. Together they visit the different points of vantage. Soon the hacienda rises in solid, fort-like simplicity.

Thinking of them she did not think of the ugliness of Main Street as she hurried along it to the chatter of the Jolly Seventeen. She wore her eye-glasses on the street now. She was beginning to ask Kennicott and Juanita if she didn't look young, much younger than thirty-three. The eye-glasses pinched her nose. She considered spectacles. They would make her seem older, and hopelessly settled. No!

I tell thee, Francisco, like as not it is all a folly, some senseless blunder of those Americanos that imposes upon Don Juan's simplicity and love for them." "How looks he, this Americano who seeks thee?" asked Francisco. "What care I how he looks," said Juanita, "or what he is? He may have the four S's, for all I care.