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"Did I ever see such joy!" said Lord Clonbrony, clasping his hands: "I never expected such joy in my life! I must go and tell poor Terry!" and off he ran. "And now, since we are to go," said Lady Clonbrony, "pray let us go immediately, before the thing gets wind, else I shall have Mrs. Dareville, and Lady Langdale, and Lady St.

She saw the sudden rush of joy to her son's face and she was a little lonely. She felt that she was no longer first with Terry. Sir Shawn was still out when they got back, after a brisk walk. The laggard young people made no appearance for tea, though they waited a while.

Our special joy was the father such a sentimental darling, and people declared he had murdered his wife." In his normal state Mr. Beebe would never have repeated such gossip, but he was trying to shelter Lucy in her little trouble. He repeated any rubbish that came into his head. "Murdered his wife?" said Mrs. Honeychurch. "Lucy, don't desert us go on playing bumble-puppy.

No independence of externals is possible, nor wholesome if it were possible, except that which comes from absolute dependence on Jesus Christ. If you have Christ in your heart then life is possible, peace is possible, joy is possible, under all circumstances and in all places. Everything which the soul can desire, it possesses.

"I thank you many times!" was all that he could say; but in his dark eyes there beamed a fire of joy whose sparks of love and gratitude electrified the Emperor. "Would you like to go to your cousins in Nurnberg, and help them in plate-engraving! There's plenty of work there." "I would like to go to Durer in Nurnberg, but I don't want to be a plate-engraver.

In exchange for this aigrette which she offered her bridegroom, he placed upon her finger a ring set with stones that shone like the stars in heaven, and over her shoulders a mantle of cloth of gold. The young bride, beside herself with joy, retired to complete her toilette.

There was something more than childish joy showing in her face, an older person would have seen that, but it was largely lost on Rolf. There was a tendency to blush when she laughed, a disposition to tease her "big brother," to tyrannize over him in little things.

How quaintly she spoke his name, and gently, and timidly ay, and with a supreme courage. True to him through all those numb years of waiting, this was a little thing that they should face death together. A little thing, and yet the greatest joy that God can bestow upon a good woman.

As regarded Sir Alured, in spite of this poor widow's crape, he was very happy at this time, and his joy did in some degree communicate itself to the old barrister. Everett was taken round to every tenant and introduced as the heir. Mr. Wharton had already declared his purpose of abdicating any possible possession of the property.

There, to my great joy, we found the commander-in-chief, Sir Samuel Hood; who, to my still greater joy, informed me that a vacancy had been kept open for me in his flag ship, the Illustrious. In a few minutes my traps were packed up, my commission made out, and I had the honour of hailing myself a professional follower of one of the first officers in his Majesty's service.