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"There is much fire in this," I said; "once I thought it would explode, I did. It was a shot that would have been heard around the world, sir! Only I could not pull the trigger." The man stared at me, and so I burned it, page by page, and laughed, and sang a foolish song that I thought of: Stride la vampa! And afterward I unwrapped the journal.

Lord Shaftesbury jotted down in his journal, when the new Ministry came into office, these words, and they sum up pretty accurately the situation, and the common verdict upon it: 'Aberdeen Prime Minister, Lord John Russell Minister for Foreign Affairs. Is it possible that this arrangement should prosper? Can the Liberal policy of Lord John square with the restrictive policy of Lord Aberdeen?

On the New Year's Day of 1812 Martyn wrote in his journal: "The present year will probably be a perilous one, but my life is of little consequence, whether I live to finish the Persian New Testament, or do not. I look back with pity and shame on my former self, and on the importance I then attached to my life and labours. The more I see of my own works, the more I am ashamed of them.

I threw a furtive glance, between two bars of music, at him: he was not reading, he was not sleeping he was dreaming. 'Is there anything new in the Journal? 'No, no; nothing at all. Another two or three bars of music, and I entered my son's room. He was in bed and asleep. I devoured him with kisses and returned Monsieur de Camors was still there.

Perhaps of all the different kinds of papers, that most useful to the beginner is the "popular weekly" class, chiefly represented by Tit-Bits, Answers, Pearson's Weekly, Cassell's Saturday Journal, and Success.

Pope for his advice concerning how best to answer the atrocious calumnies on Budgell then appearing in The Grub-Street Journal, and reposing, drolly enough, next the proof-sheets of an anonymous letter Pope had prepared for the forthcoming issue of that publication, wherein he sprightlily told how Budgell had poisoned Dr. Tindal, after forging his will.

"A thousand! well, I should think so. I wouldn't finish it for a million." His experience was only the experience of the majority of that industrious night school in the cabin. If you wish to inflict a heartless and malignant punishment upon a young person, pledge him to keep a journal a year. A good many expedients were resorted to to keep the excursionists amused and satisfied.

In July, 1832, Angelina, accompanied by a friend, set out to make her promised visit to Hartford. Her journal, kept day by day, shows her to have been at this time in a most cheerful frame of mind, which fitted her to enjoy not only the beautiful scenery on her journey, but the society of the various people she met.

Marsden, in the "Journal of his Second Visit," gives us some very interesting details touching the anxiety which the chiefs universally manifested to obtain agricultural tools of this metal. One morning, he tells us, a number of them arrived at the settlement, some having come twenty, others fifty miles. "They were ready to tear us to pieces," says he, "for hoes and axes.

In the columns of the Chronicle he soon gave proofs of other talents than those of a reporter; for in the evening edition of that journal appeared the Sketches of English Life and Character, afterwards collected to form the two well-known volumes of Sketches by Boz, published respectively in 1836 and 1837.