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"You've had your breakfast, Josiah, and a good one. Don't be thinkin' of vittles so much in such a place as this." "I shall think of what I'm a minter, and you can't break it up, mom!"

In the meantime Josiah Bean and the slick-looking individual turned into Broad street and made their way to a certain establishment known as the Eagle's Club. Here Henry Davis called another man aside. "Say, Foxy, do you know anybody down to Barwell & Cameron's?" he asked, in a low tone, so that the old farmer could not hear. "Yes a clerk named Chase." "Then come down and introduce me."

But you wasn't to blame, no siree!" she finished with a vigorous shake of her head. "I am not so sure that you would find very many to agree with you." "Lan' sakes! How you do talk, Mr. McGowan! Don't you think I know what it's all about? I ain't blind, and what I couldn't see through, Josiah helped me with last night. You've got him to thank that they didn't vote you out of your position."

Josiah wuz better to me than he had been for over seven weeks, and his lovin' demeanor didn't change for the worse for as many as five days. But the wicked wrong wuz done away with. I writ a letter to Ernest White tellin' him I never knowed a word about it till that very day, and my companion had repealed the law, and Cap'n Bardeen had got to move out or stop sellin' whiskey.

Tommy wuz delighted with the strange, beautiful flowers, so unlike anything he had ever seen before. We had got out and walked round a spell here, and when we went to git into our sedan chairs agin, I wuz a little behind time, and Josiah hollered out to me: "Fey tea, Samantha!" "Tea?" sez I. "I hain't got any tea here." And I sez with dignity, "I don't know what you mean."

Duncalf? she said, and added: 'But we're glad that anything should have brought you in. 'Well, said Duncalf, 'I've just had a letter by the afternoon post from Lord Chell. 'Oh, the Earl! Indeed; how very interesting. 'What's he after? inquired Josiah cautiously.

He tried to nestle round and get it off quietly but no, there it stood right onto Josiah Allen's heels, and hung on, and tugged at them coat-tails, and growled at 'em that low deep growl, and shook 'em, as if determined to worry 'em off. And there my companion wuz. He couldn't show his feelin's in his face; he had got to keep his face all right towards Miss Flamm.

And I mistrusted trouble wuz ahead on me, and I hurried Josiah down the street. Ardelia a sayin' she had got to turn the corner, to go to another place for her 3d cousin. Jest as we wuz a crossin' a street my companion drawed my attention to a sign that wuz jest overhead, and sez lie, "That means me, I'm spoke of right out, and hung up overhead." And sez I, "What do you mean?"

Josiah Childs' head buzzed with the easy possibilities he saw. But he did not lose his head. No detail was overlooked. He spent his spare hours in studying Oakland, its people, how they made their money, and why they spent it and where. He walked the central streets, watching the drift of the buying crowds, even counting them and compiling the statistics in various notebooks.

"Why, I er I was up in my room, but I er wanted a glass of water and so came down for it." "Then Mrs. Stanhope and Dora have gone to bed?" "Yes, they just retired." "Have you become friends again?" asked Dick, just to learn what Josiah Crabtree might say. "Yes, Rover, Mrs. Stanhope is once more my best friend." "Then she doesn't know what a rascal you were out in Africa."