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The newspapers, the clippings Josh sent him, had kept him informed of the young Minnesotan's steady, rapid rise in politics; and whenever he recalled the absurd boasting that had made him feel Craig would never come to anything, he assumed it was a weakness of youth and inexperience which had, no doubt, been conquered.

As their supply of coffee had gone together with numerous other things, the boys had to drink cold water for supper. Loud were the lamentations over this. "The smell of coffee, bacon, or fried onions is what always makes it seem like camping out," declared Josh, sadly; "and now we haven't got a single one of those lovely things left.

Rivers stopped him, and asked him to take a drink. "I don't mind if I do," answered Josh.; and after drinking he said: "I am in a d d hurry," and was gone. "There is one drink gone to no purpose," muttered Rivers, as he made his way to the barn. He found Stemples hurriedly harnessing up his team, and turned in to help him. "Strange fellow, that Cox!" remarked Stemples.

He was apparently thunder-struck by the cleverness displayed by this stripling in clinching the guilt of the party who had stolen his spring chickens. "Tell me his name again, Bub," he said turning to Josh; "I calc'late makin' it some warm for him unless I gets pretty good pay for them fowls."

"Now, in order to attain to these ends, the only means is to look another way, to turn all our thoughts to bring about a general peace, and to sign to-morrow the most solemn and positive engagement with the enemy, and, the better to please the public, to insert in the articles the expulsion of Cardinal Mazarin as their mortal enemy, to cause the Spanish forces to come up immediately to Pont-a-Verre, and those of M. de Turenne to advance into Champagne, and to go without any loss of time to propose to the Parliament what Don Josh d'Illescas has offered them already in relation to a general peace, to dispose them to vote as we would have them, which they will not fail to do considering the circumstances we are now in, and to send orders to our deputies at Ruel either to get the Queen to nominate a place to confer about a general peace or to return the next day to their seats in Parliament.

"There's a bouquet with an asp coiled in it," said Arkwright, pleased; for with truly human vanity he had accepted the compliment and had thrown away the criticism. "I'll go bring Josh Craig." "No, not to-night," said Miss Severence, with a sudden compression of the lips and a stern, almost stormy contraction of the brows. "Please don't do that, Rita," cried Arkwright.

Tom understood what was expected of him. "Come along with me, Carl, Rob and Josh," he said. "The rest of you stand by and be ready to pull if we need any more help. We'll pass the end of the rope back to you." "But how are we going to climb up in the tree?" asked Rob; "without getting stuck in the mud ourselves?"

Why, I don't know, if he and Big Josh can't, even with the help of the marshal." "I am sure you can," declared Judith demurely, and Jeff thought happily how agreeable it was to have someone besides a father have such faith in his ability. "You must come in and wait," insisted Judith. "There is a fire in the dining-room. It is cold for September and a little fire towards evening is pleasant."

"I'll do better than introduce you to Towler," proceeded Arkwright. "I'll present you to his daughter a dyed and padded old horror, but very influential with her father and all the older crowd. Sit up to her, Josh. You can lay the flattery on as thick as her paint and as high as her topknot of false hair. If she takes to you your fortune's made."

Neither was Josh so indiscreet as to intimate to his benefactor that he had been anticipated in his good intentions. It was in this way, working and learning, that a year passed away, and Mr. Leckler thought that his object had been accomplished. He could safely trust Josh to protect his own interests, and so he thought that it was quite time that his servant's education should cease.