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Bill gave an exclamation of astonishment: "But thou didn'st do it, Luke?" "I moight ha' done it for owt thou know'st, Bill. He wer the worst of maisters, and, as thou know'st, Bill, oi hated him joost as all the countryside did. He's been warned by King Lud and ha' been obliged to get the sojers at his factory.

On the walls snow-shoes, fishing-lines, dried fish in smellable bunches, a portrait of the Okapi from Outing, and a musical clock that played with painful persistence the first three bars of "God Save the King." Everywhere else were rags, mud, and dirt. "You see, I am joost like a white woman," said the swarthy queen.

He washed down his mouthful. "Coom, Ally, and open door t' 'er." But Ally did not come. She had her year-old baby on her knees and was feeding him. At the door of the old kitchen Jim grasped his sister-in-law by the hand. "Thot's right," he said. "Yo've joost coom in time for a cup o' tae. T' misses is in there wi' t' lil uns." He jerked his thumb toward his dining-room and led the way there.

"We soon found as the water warn't always smooth and blue like the sky as we had seen it at first. The wind coom on to blow the vurst night as we war thar, and the next morning the water war all tossing aboot joost as Sally's feyther had said, though not so high as he had talked on.

Are you playing Handel to the wood-nymphs, or reciting eclogues?" "Neider, neider, Herr Pastor; we meet wid coostomers here, und dey has joost left us," answered uncle Ro, who certainly enacted his part with perfect

"Even those who were wont to rail at science and labour," said one who was present in the camp of Maurice, "declared that the siege would have been a far more arduous undertaking had it not been for those two engineers, Joost Matthes of Alost, and Jacob Kemp of Gorcum.

In the meantime the daffodil, "The Good Comrade," had gone back to its native land, and with it an appeal, written in English, badly written, scrawled almost but not likely to be refused. Joost read it through once, twice, more times than that; it said little, only, take back the bulb and ask no questions, yet he felt he had been honoured by Julia's confidence.

With its band of red satin ribbon and tiny bunch of field flowers, it seemed to defy the world to find anything funnier. "It's a real comedy hat," Dr. Hume observed. "The kind they wear when they sing: "'Hi-lee-hi-lo-hi-lee-hi-lo, I joost come over; I joost come over." "But she's really a ministering angel, you know," said Billie, "sent to do the washing and ironing and scullery work.

"Dear me," Mevrouw said once again, "how bad the rain must be for Joost!" Julia agreed, but reminded her also once again that it was possibly not raining in Germany. Mijnheer looked up from his paper to remark that the weather was very bad for the crops. "It is bad for every one," his wife rejoined; "but worse of all for you. You should be in bed.

Now she turned to Joost, and her voice took another tone; she was teasing him, making fun of him in a way that Denah decided was scandalous, although his father was there, aiding and abetting her. Joost did not seem to resent it a bit; he listened quite serenely, and even turned a look on her as one who has another and private interpretation of the words.