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Jonadab Kilroot had found his way across the Atlantic into Boston Harbour much more easily than I was finding mine across London to Master Freake's house in Queen Anne's Gate. It was after nine at night, at which late hour, of course, I did not intend to arouse the inmates, but I meant to find the place so that I could stand outside and imagine Margaret within, perchance dreaming of me.

I was settin' inside, smokin' and goin' over the situation, when footsteps sounded on the piazza and a couple come to anchor on the settee right by that window. Cap'n Jonadab and Henrietta! I sensed that immediate. "She was laughin' and actin' kind of queer, and he was talkin' mighty earnest. "'Oh, no, Cap'n! Oh, no! she giggles. 'You mustn't be so serious on such a beautiful night as this.

The pig-headed old fool had carted it with him wherever he went, and him and his daughter had come to the Old Home House because he figgered nobody would think of their bein' in such an out-of-the-way place as that. But they HAD thought of it. Anyhow, the paper was gone. "'But Mr. Robinzer Sterson, I mean cut in Cap'n Jonadab, 'you could have 'em took up for stealin', couldn't you?

One nice moonlight evening me and Cap'n Jonadab and Peter T., having, for a wonder, a little time to ourselves and free from boarders, was setting on the starboard end of the piazza, smoking, when who should heave in sight but Cap'n Eri Hedge and Obed Nickerson.

One branch of these Kenites was denominated from Rechab, an illustrious chief of the house of Hobab; who had a son, or descendant, named Jonadab, or Jehonadab, as his name is sometimes written. Jonadab was renowned for wisdom and piety.

Old Dillaway was terrible sorry and kept asking if there wan't something he could do, but the count put him off and went out. "Now that's too bad!" says Brown. "Spaghetti, you needn't wait any longer." So the other Italian went out, too. And then Peter T. Brown turned loose and talked the way he done when me and Jonadab first met him. He just spread himself.

Peter looked at Jonadab, and the two of 'em at me. And I had to own up that Willie had come downstairs from that wash room a few minutes after the bell rung. "'Hum! says Peter T. 'Hum! he says. 'Look here, Barzilla, didn't you tell me you knew that feller's real name, and that he had been studying law? "'No, says I, emphatic. 'I said 'twas law he was tryin' to get away from.

"''Tis the address of my house, I'm givin', he says, turnin' to Jonadab. 'I'll be off duty then and we'll have dinner and talk about old times. To think of you landin' in Silver Pete's pool room! Dear! dear! Why, Cap'n Wixon, barrin' that your whiskers are a bit longer and a taste grayer, I'd 'a' known you anywheres. Many's the time I've stole apples over your back fence.

He didn't nickname Small any more'n he had Thompson, and for the same reasons. Me and Cap'n Jonadab called Small "Eddie" behind his back, 'count of his wife's hailing him as "Edwin."

You see, 'twas a good while sence Jonadab and me had been to a wedding, and we know there'd be mostly young folks there and a good many big-bugs, we presumed likely, and 'twas going to cost consider'ble to get rigged not to mention the price of passage, and one thing a' 'nother.