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"We'll have them for dinner tonight and we'll have the other for tea now. You'd like a wash?" But Jim had already opened his bag, taken off his coat, and put on an old one. "Thanks," he said. Lilly made the tea, and at length all sat down. "Well how unexpected this is and how nice," said Tanny. "Jolly eh?" said Jim. He ate rapidly, stuffing his mouth too full. "How is everybody?" asked Tanny.

"What's the matter, Frank?" asked Billy as he went slowly back to his friends. "You look as jolly as a crutch." "I'm no hypocrite, then," answered Frank soberly, "for that's exactly how I feel." He told his chums of what the colonel had said, and they were sincere in their expressions of sympathy.

I can't get out of it, but I shall be jolly glad when it's over. We'll chuck him then, if he isn't civil. But till then I'm more or less helpless. So you'll do your best to tolerate him for my sake, won't you?" A great sigh rose from Hope's heart, but she stifled it.

Put it to him straight, and let's see that we get the truth. Why, we should never have lost our half if he had owned up with Cadbury." "And it's so jolly rough on Cadbury too! Why should one be licked and not the other?" "Oh, we'll see to the other if necessary. But let's hear what he says for himself. By the way, where is he?" Where indeed?

"By Jingo!" said Bolton gaily, "I don't know why the thought strikes me that there's a very jolly tavern in Water-street where it's comfortable to be between a glass of gin and a bottle of porter. Can't you imagine it, Gripper?" "To tell you the truth," quickly answered the questioned sailor, who generally professed to be in a bad temper, "I don't imagine it here."

"Go home," he said, "and do nothing." If I were his father I'd kick him out. He's a nice boy, though. There are several Munsters, jolly chaps, and a Tasmanian of the Bush contingent, tall, hollow-eyed, sallow-faced fellow, with dysentery a gentleman, and an interesting one. Williams has been here a good deal. He made some tea for the two of us in the evening, and we talked till late.

What a jolly desk!" And soon Tom was deep in Arthur's goods and chattels, and hardly thought of his friends outside till the prayer-bell rang. He thought of his own first night there when he was leading poor little Arthur up to No. 4, and showing him his bed. The idea of sleeping in a room with strange boys had clearly never crossed his mind before. He could hardly bare to take his jacket off.

The group looked unusually animated and jolly; the incident evidently reminded them of their own country. As soon as they saw me enter they interrupted their talk, and Beppe stepped forward to shake hands, but the officer of the law interposed: "Now, you fellows, stay there; the young lady is going to speak to the inspector."

It was a jolly company that sat down to a well-filled table that evening.

The cursory view from the outside, and the further inspection on the inside, reminded me of the old lady's description of her watch, for she said, "it might look pretty hard on the outside, but the inside works were all right." And so thought its jolly patrons.