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As I scrutinized the men of her "set" I said to myself: "They seem to be school-teachers or writers, or beginning physicians, perhaps. They probably make less than one-third of what I pay Bender. Yet they freely talk and joke with her, while I cannot even get near her."

It does not astonish you more than it does me that such a man as Mr. Gilmore should be perplexed in spirit for such a cause. But he says that he is perplexed." "Of course he is perplexed, and of course I was in joke. Only it does seem so hard upon him! I should like to shake you till you fell into his arms. I know it would be best for you.

The doctor came along to see if you had been hurt." "I got this," answered Dick, with a quiet smile, and pointed to the lump on his forehead. "Ah, yes, I see," put in Doctor Slamper. "Not very serious, I take it." "Oh, it didn't kill me." "Ha! ha! Good joke, Mr. Rover! Feel pretty good otherwise, eh?" "Oh, I'm able to sit up."

"I don't think that's a good joke, Godfrey." "It isn't a joke at all. I want you to arrange it. But meanwhile, how would you like a whiff of salt air this evening?" "First rate. How will I get it?" "The Savoie will get to quarantine about six o'clock. I'm going down on our boat to meet her. I want to have a talk with Inspector Pigot the French detective. Will you come along?" "Will I!" I said.

"I desire, if any of you have any information in regard to the note, that you will communicate it at once." Mr. Lowington paused, and the boys looked blankly at each other. Even to them, at that moment, a practical joke seemed to be the stupidest thing in the world. There was a tremendous sensation among them; but no one volunteered to give the desired information.

Still his insinuations were highly dangerous, not to speak of their offensiveness. It was no joke to be charged, even by a madman, with striving to arouse the crew to mutiny.

"I am used to it, and to live in a hut on the moors would in no way be to my fancy; and if I cannot get a place where I have comrades to talk to, and crack a joke with, I would rather cross the seas, take service with an Irish chieftain, or travel to Wales, where I hear men say there is fighting." "You need not go very far, if it is fighting that you want," the man said.

When the King pleased he could be one of the most agreeable and amiable men in the world; but it was first necessary that he should be intimately acquainted with persons. He used to joke in a very comical and amusing manner. The King, though by no means perfect, possessed some great and many fine qualities; and by no means deserved to be defamed and despised by his subjects after his death.

Abe stood up, pushing back his stool. He glanced toward the door. Sarah was not often angry. When she was, she reminded her children of a mother hen ruffling its feathers. "Well, Abe, have you got anything to say for yourself?" Abe shook his head. Suddenly his joke did not seem quite so funny. "I declare!" said Sarah. "A big boy like you! You ought to be spanked."

The letter of the 18th of August was received by the friends of the Pope as an "insult to his rights, good sense, justice, and majesty!" Pius IX. took offence at it; the Cardinals made a joke of it. This determination, this prudence, this justice, on the part of a man who held them all in his hand, appeared to them immeasurably comical. They still laugh at it.