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The King places His subjects, and Himself sits enthroned above them all. First, Christ praises John's great personal character in the dramatic and vivid questions which begin this section. He recalls the scenes of popular enthusiasm when all Israel streamed out to the desert preacher. A small man could not have made such an upheaval. What drew the crowds?

If my reader will not acknowledge my representation as St John's meaning, I yet hope so to set it forth that he shall see the representation to be true in itself, and then I shall willingly leave the interpretation to its fate. I say, in brief, the giving of the white stone with the new name is the communication of what God thinks about the man to the man.

Among the many church bells that rang on those bygone Sundays was that of St. John's, of which Dr. Gilman, of beloved memory, was rector. Dr. Gilman was a saint, and if you had had the good luck to be baptized or married or buried by him, you were probably fortunate in an earthly as well as heavenly sense.

John. The particulars connected with this expedition are found in an unpublished document, of which the original is in the Public Record Office in London, entitled "Report of the Proceedings of the Troops on the Expedition up St. John's River in the Bay of Fundy under the command of Colonel Monckton." For a copy of this valuable paper I am indebted to Dr. W. F. Ganong.

He had then more money than I, and traveled longer, went to the East, studied a little of every thing, lived some time in Paris, where he discovered Wharton, and at last some few years ago came home to take a church at Cincinnati, where he made himself a power. I thought he made a mistake in leaving there to come to St. John's, and wrote him so.

The team, his team which he had built up with such care last year, was going to the dogs, and he craved sympathy from Bill about it. "He's crazy," his chum sighed when John's outburst had slackened. "You should a' seen him when you'd gone for the papers, today. First he threw over my head, and then to one side, 'most out of my reach.

His next-door neighbour, who had often heard the sound of cursing and swearing there, but never the voice of prayer, was so astonished, that he rose and came to the door to assure himself of the astonishing fact. It was quite true; surely it was John's own voice praying. So, lifting the latch, he went in and shouted, "Glory to God!" The louder William shouted, the louder John cried for mercy.

But though there is here no increase of power shown yet the action itself was of the sort to appeal much more to the crowd. It has in it the dramatic. It would appear to the crowd a yet more wonderful thing than they had yet witnessed. The giving of sight to the man born blind is distinctly a long step ahead of any healing power thus far related in John's story.

There is only one other instance in the New Testament where that is stated with equal clearness and emphasis, and that is in John's account of the Crucifixion, where he recognises the fact that Christ died with limbs unbroken, as being a fulfilment, in the New Testament sense of that word, of what was enjoined in regard to the antitype, 'a bone of him shall not be broken.

Douglas nodded over a piece of pie. "Only," he added, "he's not a fool. Far from it. We may not agree with him, but he's a wise man. A very wise old man." "And you are going to build a church for him?" John went on. Again Douglas nodded. "Are you plumb loco?" John's voice began to rise. Douglas' color was deepening but he had himself well in hand. "Maybe I am loco.