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They were in advance, and I doubled teams on them and brought them through." "Ah!" in a tone of relief. "To give countenance to the quartermaster, if such can be given on a dark night, I remarked jocosely, "Never mind the waggons. There are quantities of stores in Winchester, and the general has invited one to breakfast there tomorrow."

It was a sentimental ditty treated jocosely, and its frivolity rippled out into the mid-day silence with something of the effect of a monkey's chatter. The khitmutgar on the verandah would have looked scandalised or at best contemptuous had it not been his rôle to express nothing but the dignified humility of the native servant.

"The sons of Belial are too strong for me," jocosely wrote Winslow; and he set himself to intrenching his camp; then had the forest cut down for the space of a mile from the lake to the mountains, so that the trees, lying in what he calls a "promiscuous manner," formed an almost impenetrable abatis.

Wait till I've got this shoe on, and let's start. Now I'm ready." "Beat it quietly." "What did you think I was going to do? Sing?" "Step dis way!" said Mr. Crocker jocosely. They left the room cautiously. Mr. Crocker for a moment had a sense of something missing. He had reached the stairs before he realised what it was. Then it dawned upon him that what was lacking was the applause.

"And I would just pause to repeat," said the taller, jocosely, "that there is some class to this getaway scheme, should any one ask you. Good night." "Yes, there is class but it isn't first!"

But the curse of the White Logic is that it does not make one afraid. The world-sickness of the White Logic makes one grin jocosely into the face of the Noseless One and to sneer at all the phantasmagoria of living. I look about me as I ride and on every hand I see the merciless and infinite waste of natural selection.

He had shown himself to her freely as he was, jocosely cynical on everything that women prize, brutal when he chose to give way to his temper, faithless on principle, selfish to the core; perhaps the secret of the fascination he exercised over her was his very ingenuousness, his boldness in defying fortune, his clever grasp of circumstances.

So that Ambrose had only once heard a weary and heavy discourse there plentifully garnished with Latin; and once he had stood among the throng at a wake at Millbrook, and heard a begging friar recommend the purchase of briefs of indulgence and the daily repetition of the Ave Maria by a series of extraordinary miracles for the rescue of desperate sinners, related so jocosely as to keep the crowd in a roar of laughter.

He was obliged to confess he knew almost none, but hastened to add he was eager to go on now he had taken such a charming start. "Oh we ain't anything if you mean that," Delia said. "If you go on you'll go on beyond us." "We ain't anything here, my dear, but we're a good deal at home," Mr. Dosson jocosely interjected. "I think we're very nice anywhere!"

Well, that rather alters the case, because I had no idea that they thought so, and I should not have liked to disappoint or inconvenience them. The fact is, I don't care much about it. But, oh, it don't matter! It'll do as well as anything else!" "You hear him, Ada!" said I. "The fact is," Richard proceeded, half thoughtfully and half jocosely, "it is not quite in my way. I don't take to it.