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"Ah, the gipsy thief," said Joceline, "how well she scented there was food in the pantry! they have noses like ravens, these strollers.

Sir Henry paused, as if to consider what was the meaning of this innuendo; for he was not a person of very quick apprehension. But having at length caught the meaning of it, he burst into an explosion of louder laughter than Joceline had seen him indulge in for a long while. "Right, knave," he said, "I taste thy jest It is the very moral of the puppet-show.

We know that your means of house-keeping are not so profuse as usual, so the catalogue cannot be burdensome to your memory." "Far from it," replied the knight, with unusual command of temper, "my daughter, and latterly my son, have been my guests; and I have had these females, and one Joceline Joliffe, to attend upon us."

The maiden loved Joceline Joliffe, on the one hand; and, on the other, if she disliked Joseph Tomkins when she first saw him, as a rebellious puritan, she had not been at all reconciled by finding reason to regard him as a hypocritical libertine.

Even his local knowledge was scarce adequate to find the Doctor's secret apartment, had he not traced his way after a genial flavour of roasted game through divers blind passages, and up and down certain very useless stairs, through cupboards and hatchways, and so forth, to a species of sanctum sanctorum, where Joceline Joliffe was ministering to the good Doctor a solemn breakfast of wild-fowl, with a cup of small beer stirred with a sprig of rosemary, which Dr.

But thou saw'st how I dealt with him when I had fitting light, Joceline." "Ay, and so your honour did," said Joceline. "You taught him to know the Duke of Norfolk, from Saunders Gardner. I'll warrant him he will not wish to come under your honour's thumb again." "Why, I am waxing old," said Sir Henry; "but skill will not rust through age, though sinews must stiffen.

For these reasons Joceline kept a strict, though unostentatious watch over Trusty Tomkins. We have said, that the discreet seneschal was universally well received at Woodstock, whether in the borough or at the Lodge, and that even Joceline Joliffe was anxious to conceal any suspicions which he could not altogether repress, under a great show of cordial hospitality.

He is a wanderer, and thou shalt be a waste place yea, and a wilderness yea, a desert of salt, in which there shall be thirst and famine." "There is like to be enough of both to-night," said Joceline, "unless the good knight's larder be somewhat fuller than it is wont." "We must care for the creature-comforts," said the Independent, "but in due season, when our duties are done.

Rochecliffe could not, however, distinguish the under-keeper until he had hemmed once or twice, when Joceline answered the signal by showing a glimpse of light from the dark lantern which he carried. Guided by this intimation of his presence, the divine found him leaning against a buttress which had once supported a terrace, now ruinous.

"Oh, what have you done? what have you done, Joceline!" exclaimed Phoebe; "you have killed the man!" "Better than he should have killed me," answered Joceline; "for he was none of the blinkers that miss their mark twice running. And yet I am sorry for him.