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Jist one or two to do the dirty work, as we keep niggers for jobs that would give a white man the cholera. They ought to pay his passage, as we do with such critters, tell him his place is taken in the mail coach, and if he is found here after twenty-four hours, they'd make a carpenter's plumb-bob of him, and hang him outside the church steeple, to try if it was perpendicular.

"I think it very much. And didn't Christ say that a cup of cold water given in His name will not lose its reward?" "'In His name! Ah, lassie, that's jist whar the stick comes. I didn't think much about 'Im when I was a-doin' them things. Thar wasn't the burnin' love in my heart for 'Im that I should have had, an' it's never been very strong in my heart at any time."

I guess the Blue Noses know jist about as much about politics as this foolish fish knows about flyin. All critters in natur are better in their own element. It beats cock fightin, I tell you, to hear the Blue Noses, when they get together, talk politics.

Whin he takes it, sorr, jist let him run away wid it as far as he likes, but the minit he turns to swallow it, an' says to himself, 'What an illigant breakfast this is, to be sure! that minit slap the hook into his jaw, an' hould on to him for dear life." These excellent instructions I obeyed with no little difficulty.

There's a good many ways in which we may get a chance to craap out, and I'm bound to say there be a good many more by which we can't; but the good Lord has been so good to us, that I can't help belaving He won't let us drop jist yet, though He may think that the best thing for us both will be to let the varmints come in and scalp us."

"It is jist the thing to an iota," ejaculated Doe, in whom the sight of the parchment seemed to awaken cupidity and exultation together: "there's no standing agin it in any court in Virginnee!" "Right, my boy," said his associate. "But where is the girl? I must see her."

"Dammit, I've burned my mooth," he ejaculated, spluttering, spitting and wiping his mouth. "But the laddie can rin. He's a fair dandie o' a rinner." "He couldna' rin to catch the cauld," broke in Rundell's admirer, glad to get in a word. "Look at him. Dammit, ye could wheel a barrow oot through his legs. He jist rummles alang like a chained tame earthquake."

She's a paad woman, 'tat she'll pe certain sure, though she'll nefor saw her to speak to her. She'll haf claaws to her poosoms." "Weel, daddy, there was naething ither to gar ye lo'e me. I was jist a helpless human bein', an' sae for that, an' nae ither rizzon, ye tuik a' that fash wi' me! An' for mysel', I'm deid sure I cudna lo'e ye better gien ye war twise my gran'father."

"As soon as she see'd this, she never said another blessed word, but jist walked off with the livin' man's pike, and began to poke her way down the mountain as careful as she cleverly could, dreadful tired, and awful frighted. "Well, she hadn't gone far, afore she heard her name echoed all round her Happy! Happy! Happy!

"Peggy, this is simply delicious," praised Mrs. Harold. Peggy glowed and Jerome and Mammy beamed, while the little darkies beat a grinning retreat to confide excitedly to Aunt Cynthia: "Dem gemmens an' ladies yonder in de grove was so mighty pleased dat dey jist nachally bleiged fer ter holler and laugh."