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Hutchinson describes a portion of the soldiers on her own side as "licentious, ungovernable wretches," when Sir Samuel Luke, in his letters, depicts the glee with which his men plunder the pockets of the slain, when poor John Wolstenholme writes to head-quarters that his own compatriots have seized all his hay and horses, "so that his wife cannot serve God with the congregation but in frosty weather," when Vicars in "Jehovah Jireh" exults over the horrible maiming and butchery wrought by the troopers upon the officers' wives and female camp-followers at Naseby, it is useless to attribute exaggeration to the other side.

The long street of Cliffe leads northwards to South Malling; here is a conventicle named "Jireh" erected by J. Jenkyns, W.A. These cryptic initials mean "Welsh ambassador." In the cemetery behind is the tomb of William Huntingdon, the evangelist, whose epitaph is as follows: "Here lies the coalheaver, beloved of his God, but abhorred of men.

But when, in passing through these scenes, reflections such as these have crowded upon me, and I am unable to return a satisfactory answer to the question, 'How shall this be accomplished? I can find no better resource than to silence myself with 'Deus providebit; my trust shall be in the tender mercy of God for ever and ever." Jehovah Jireh, that is, "the Lord will see or provide."