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Jim had a secret which he was afraid to have known; and that secret could be nothing more nor less than the alleged poisoning, which he plainly could not or would not deny; and which, according to ignorant little Tony's ideas, he was afraid to have come to the ears of the police.

The dog, Jim, had several other adventures with animals on the way. First of all, he and Dave did not get along very well. Once Dave caught Jim under the ribs with his right horn, which was bent forward and stood out nearly straight, and tossed him over some sage brush near by.

"I'd like very much to hear his history. Did you take him from the nest?" "Yes, Jim," said the man next to me. "Tell us how you came by the bird; it's sure to be a good story." Jimmy, having found a seat and had a mug of beer put before him, began by remarking that he knew someone had been interesting himself in that bird of his.

Jasper was walking with a free easy motion, closely guarded by the two constables, one of whom was Jim Goban. His face was pale and he looked very careworn, but he held his head erect and kept his eyes straight before him. Betty standing near, rushed suddenly forward and caught him by the hand. "Oh, Mr. Jasper," she cried, "we know you didn't do at, and I want to tell you so."

Next day we made a start, promising the girls a nugget each for a ring out of the first gold we got, and they promised to write to us and tell us if they heard any news. They knew what to say, and we shouldn't be caught simple if they could help it. Jim took care, though, to keep well off the road, and take all the short cuts he knew.

Miggles laughed again it was a singularly eloquent laugh and turned her black eyes and white teeth once more toward us. "This afflicted person is " hesitated the Judge. "Jim," said Miggles. "Your father?" "No." "Brother?" "No." "Husband?"

"I'd do anything in the world for you, Master Jim," said the old man earnestly. "Well, then, remember this," said Jimmie Dale slowly, looking into the other's eyes, "remember this keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. It's my fault. I should have warned you long ago, but I never dreamed that she would ever come here herself.

The sheriff turned away quickly, while the father called Jim to his side. "Young man," said he, "you've been as good as an angel could have been, but if you suspect her a minute of being my accomplice, may heaven blast you! I taught her engraving, villain that I was, but when she found out what the work really was, I thought she'd have died.

That evening, however, after Davy had returned from delivering Welborn his supper, the four gathered in the Gillis sitting room and Jim gave more details. "This man Welborn musta been in the army," he declared. "Musta been a tough old top sergeant, er the general in command, the way he took charge. He managed every detail and managed it right. Everything worked out as planned.

When Captain Jim began, "Ez Lacy was one day tellin' me," or, "Ez Lacy Bassett allows," or more formally, when strangers were present, "Ez a partickler friend o' mine, Lacy Bassett maybe ez you know him sez," the youthful and lighter members of the Eureka Mining Company glanced at each other in furtive enjoyment.