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'Twan't last night you done 'em, Eri; 'twas the night afore. I done 'em last night, and I'm ready to take my chances agin if we match, but I'm jiggered if I let you shove the whole thing off onto me. I didn't ship for cook no more 'n the rest of you." Neither of the others saw fit to answer this declaration of independence and there was a pause in the conversation.

"Well, I'm jiggered!" said Barney Bill. "She must be a she-devil!" Paul cordially agreed. He had already imagined the Prince of Darkness in the guise of Mr. Button; Mrs. Button was in every way fit to be the latter's diabolical mate.

In this, after he had pushed it from shore, the stranger leaped. It was the work of but a second to set the engine in motion, and as Tom reached the edge of the woods and started across the narrow strip of sand and gravel that was between the water and the trees, he saw the man steering his craft toward the middle of the lake. "Well I'll be jiggered!" exclaimed the youth.

Moore likes to joke the same as you do, Mr. Dexter," said Janice, quietly. "Ahem! You sartainly have got some of us goin'," said the driver, whimsically. "Look at Jase Day! I never did think nothin' less'n Gabriel's trump would start Jase. But yest'day I'm jiggered if I didn't see him mendin' his pasture fence. And the old Day house looks like another place that's right. How d'you do it?"

Hobbs fell back in his chair, the letter dropped on his knee, his pen-knife slipped to the floor, and so did the envelope. "Well!" he ejaculated, "I am jiggered!" He was so dumfounded that he actually changed his exclamation. It had always been his habit to say, "I WILL be jiggered," but this time he said, "I AM jiggered." Perhaps he really WAS jiggered. There is no knowing.

The driver, a tall, spare man, thin-faced and stoop-shouldered, sat with head bent forward, to keep the rain from beating in his face. He was letting the horse, familiar with the way, pick the road for itself. All at once, however, he sat upright, drew the reins in sharply, and peered back in the direction of the mill. "Well, I'm jiggered!" he exclaimed. "If that isn't the mill. I must be crazy.

'Well, I'll be everlastingly jiggered, exclaimed a gruff voice. 'Where in all that's wonderful did you fellers spring from? The speaker was a short, square man, but it was so dark that all they could see of his face was that it was round and clean-shaven. 'Out of the Dardanelles last, and before that from Kilid Bahr, Ken answered. 'We're escaped prisoners.

Happily it was no fit, only a dead faint into which Mr. Hawkehurst had fallen. He came back to consciousness presently, after a few spoonfuls of brandy had been forced into his mouth, and looked about him with a helpless stare. "I'm jiggered if I don't believe he's fainted for the want of wittles!" cried the cabman.

"Oh, it's you," he said, smiling weakly. "Yes. What's up? You look frightened!" He turned to greet Crowborough. "Well, we're all rather jiggered by this," Leadenham replied. "We're going to get something to eat. Come with us?" They went into a tea-shop and sat down. "Is the Guardian all right?" Henry asked. "Oh, yes," said Leadenham wearily, "as right as anything is.

We must go back for more men and bring along a Gatling. Slow down!" he called. Lafarge turned on his heel with an oath, and stood watching the Ninety-Nine. "She'll laugh at me till I die!" he said to himself presently, as the tug turned up stream and pointed for Quebec. "Well, I'm jiggered!" he added, as a cannon shot came ringing over the water after them.