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His heavy mouth twitched viciously as Matey thought about it. Suddenly Bill pulled the pony on to its haunches with a jerk. "I'm jiggered if that ain't 'im a-waitin' for us!" exclaimed Bill, in a hoarse whisper. Matey was out of the trap in an instant, and, with meat in his hand, was already beginning a whining call, which was meant to be extremely ingratiating.

But he wasn't. When I run to you, he wasn't two steps behind, an' may I be jiggered, sir, if he didn't jump in there on your right, an' fight like a wild man. That's all I saw, just the first glimpse. He sure went into it all right, but I don't know how he come out." "Well, I do; I happened to see that myself, though I hardly know how. He was clubbed with a musket from the stairs.

"Here I'll raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy grace I'll come," when a form darkened the narrow doorway overhead. Then followed a scream of fright, and before he had hardly time to look around she was lying by his side, a confused heap of silk, lace, and flowing dark-brown hair. "Well, I'll be jiggered!" Samuel exclaimed, scrambling to his feet. "What in time ?"

This is a world of ups an' it's a world of downs. Why, he'd set there, an' eat crackers out of a box, an' apples out of a barrel, an' pitch his cores into the street; an' now he's a lord a-livin' in a castle. Them's a lord's kicks; they'll be a earl's kicks some day. Sometimes I says to myself, says I, 'Well, I'll be jiggered!"

The distant sound of a gun reverberated through the air, apparently from the direction of the county town. "Be jiggered!" cried the stranger who had sung the song, jumping up. "What does that mean?" asked several. "A prisoner escaped from the gaol that 's what it means." All listened.

There wouldn't be so much of a rumpus if they'd got the kid." But in another moment Roy's skeptical mood had changed as he saw a tall, slender fellow in brown standing at the end of the wharf with arms outspread. "What's he doing posing for the movies?" "He's semaphoring," Tom answered. "I'll be jiggered if he isn't!" said Roy, all interest at once. Come in!"

That's why you make me so tired always keeping your martyr's halo polished and handy where you can slip it out of a pocket when you get just what you've been asking for." "You're not too subtle, are you? But then one could hardly expect subtlety " Merle was again almost annoyed. "Subtle be jiggered! Do you think you people are subtle? About as subtle as a ton of bricks.

He turned about in his chair and for the first time looked the third member of the party in the face. "Hoity-toity! Well, I'm jiggered! Dash my drink and dinner, it's the princess!" He rose and saluted cavalierly, jocularly, yet with a deference one could not doubt, showing tobacco-darkened teeth in a smile of almost paternal indulgence. "So the Princess Yasmini is Gunga Singh this morning, eh?

It was inconceivable that his father should have allowed himself to be drawn into a pitiful intrigue by such doubtful agents as Marigny and the Countess of Porthcawl. "I'll write," he vowed, "and in pretty stiff terms, too, but I'm jiggered if I'll wire. The old chap should have shown more confidence in me. Why on earth didn't he announce his visit to Bristol?

It was a wedding-present to the daughter of Raffles by her father, my grandfather, Raffles himself." "Great Heavens!" I cried. "Then it was Raffles who well, you know. That London flat job?" "Precisely," said Raffles Holmes. "We've caught the old gentleman red- handed." "Well, I'll be jiggered!" said I. "Doesn't it beat creation how small the world is." "It does indeed.