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It contains dials, azimuth masonry, altitude pillars, astrolabe, and a double mural quadrant of enormous size and height, on which the gradations have been marked. In a way this exhibit of obsolete paraphernalia refutes the idea that Jeypore's maharajahs have lived solely for the gratification of the senses by amusements.

So much for the diversions of Jeypore's autocrat. A distinct touch of beauty is imparted to his capital by the peacocks of imperial strut and plumage. They are everywhere on the crenelated city wall, in the hurly-burly of the streets and bazaars, even on the steps leading to temples and mosques.

Their ears are deformed by the wealth of metal hanging from lobe or strung on the upper rim of that organ. It can be said of Jeypore's fair sex that they are bimetallists in the strictest sense.

The fact is that Jeypore's ruler takes little interest in horseflesh and carriagemakers' creations. His preference is for elephants animals befitting a dynasty descended from the sun and moon. "Will the sahibs visit the elephant stable!" The sahibs communicate their desire to do so. Mahouts with pikestaffs lead the way, and a myriad of hangers-on swarm in the train of the visitors.