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But when he threw himself upon his bed it was to toss with feverish rose-coloured dreams until the daybreak. His blood was still warm when he came down to breakfast; but he met his grandfather's genial jests with a boyish attempt at counter-buff. "Oh, you needn't twit me, sir," he said with an embarrassed laugh; "to wear the heart upon the sleeve is hereditary with us, you know."

"Yes yes yes!" cried all the juveniles, both ladies and gentlemen. "Let her come it will be excellent sport!" The footman still lingered. "She looks such a rough one," said he. "Go!" ejaculated Miss Ingram, and the man went. Excitement instantly seized the whole party: a running fire of raillery and jests was proceeding when Sam returned. "She won't come now," said he.

And the Athenians, it is thought, had harder measure, at the capture of their town, because they used insulting language to Metella in their jests from the walls during the siege. But of this hereafter. At present esteeming the consulship but a small matter in comparison of things to come, he was impatiently carried away in thought to the Mithridatic War.

I suppose the jests of the vineyard watchmen are still lingering in your heads. Now go, and don't touch food till you've arranged your hair." The girls, nudging each other, left the women's apartment, into which the dawn was now shining more brightly through the open roof.

They forbid me touching stimulants. Said they would be fatal! Impostors! Frauds! They haven't killed me yet, have they?" "If so, you are a most agreeable and amiable ghost," returned Mauville. "An amiable ghost!" cackled the old man. "Ha! Ha! you must have your joke! But don't let me have such a ghastly one again. I don't like" in a lower tone "jests about the spirits of the other world." "What!

She did not finish the sentence, but her lips moved in prayer, and over her features came a far-away look; such a look as that which on the face of another Huguenot lady, Philippa de Luns vilely done to death in the Place Maubert fourteen years before silenced the ribald jests of the lowest rabble in the world.

But, the simple pleasures and small jests of Cripple Corner were not destined to have a long life. Underlying them from the first was a serious matter, which every member of the patriarchal family knew of, but which, by tacit agreement, all forbore to speak of. Mr. Wilding's health was in a bad way.

We will not picture the scene of revelry, nor record the coarse jests that some of the less thoughtful of the company ventured to make on the appearance of Ellis in their midst for, to most of his friends, it was no secret that his wife's uncertain temper often caused him to leave his home in search of more congenial companionship.

After these men had gone hillward into the forest, others kept coming in from one way or another until almost all seemed to have returned. One by one as these gathered, they came and looked at me, and laughed, making rough jests at me, which I heeded not at all, if they made my blood boil now and then.

In spite of his jests over the periwinkles, he has a taste for flowers, and had obtained from the gardener the concession of a little plot of ground to cultivate according to his fancy. The Count, it appears, had ratified this favor; but this unheard-of condescension proved to be but a refinement of cruelty.