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"Well, perhaps you are right, but I am sure that if you had never lived long enough in one country to become acclimated, you wouldn't feel very responsible, either," said Eleanor in such rueful tones that the girls laughed, although they secretly disapproved of Eleanor's inconsequential attitude. "Did you think the examinations hard?" asked Jessica of Eleanor. "Oh, no," replied Eleanor lightly.

Each of you is to have two and Jessica has one besides Mabel. I am to have three; I found another yesterday. David promised to get me the tickets. I wonder how he and Hippy will enjoy chaperoning thirteen girls?" "I won't have the slightest chance to talk to Hippy," grumbled Nora, "and he has neglected us shamefully of late, too."

"Miriam and I are going up under the trees and read Browning." "The idea of going to a picnic and reading!" exclaimed Jessica. "Come on, girls, let's go with Nora." She hastily rose, brushed off her gown and followed in Nora's wake, accompanied by Eva and Marian. "Come with us, dear," said Anne to Grace, who stood looking dreamily toward a patch of woods to the left. "No indeed," replied Grace.

No one need fall back on books there." "I'm not sure. I'm afraid there must be such dreadful crowds of people. Of course I should try to feel that they were all like me, with just the same sort of fears, and that it was ridiculous for us to be afraid of each other, when at heart we all meant to be kind." Jessica fairly wrung her hands. "Heavens!" she cried. "I said you would like New York.

As for Marian we'd better have a meeting of the Phi Sigma Tau to-morrow night and especially request her to be present. Then we'll all turn in and offer to help her get ready for the exams. Here come the girls now." Nora, Jessica, Miriam and Eva Allen entered the senior locker-room together. "Where's Marian?" asked Grace. "You'd never guess if we told you," exclaimed Nora.

Engrossed in thought of Nancy, Samuel did not yet perceive that her brother had vanished. 'Your friend isn't coming any further? he said, in a tone of forbearance. 'No. 'But where's Mr. Lord? exclaimed Jessica. Nancy pretended to look back for him, and for a minute or two they waited.

Samuel evinced surprise, but allowed himself to be led towards the black mouth of the tunnel, whence at that moment rushed an engine with glaring lights upon its breast. 'We may not be alone in the train, continued Jessica. 'There's something you ought to know I must tell you to-night. You were asking me about Nancy Lord. She spoke with panting breath, and looked fixedly at him.

"And now, what are we to do with you, little Jessica?" She looked up with frightened eyes. "Oh," she cried breathlessly, "are you going to turn me out into the cold again? Must I go? Oh, I knew it was too good to last!" In her terror she had started up; but Leroy put her back gently into the chair. "No, little one, we won't turn you out to-night," he promised.

I need a bed. I'm going to sleep here to-night. Hullo! who's that?" He broke off suddenly, as Jessica, tired of waiting outside for his departure, entered the room, her dark eyes dilated with anxiety. She paused at the sound of his voice, and stared at him. She recognised him as the man she had seen with Leroy, and some subtle instinct seemed to tell her that he was evil.

June had gone, and July was weeks old, however, before the preliminaries of license and lessons were over, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler could enter into the full knowledge of what it meant to be the joyous possessors of an automobile which one could run one's self. "And now we'll take our friends," cried Jessica. "Who'll go first?" "Let's begin with the A's the Arnolds.