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Perhaps you accidentally left out these two names." This was a malicious afterthought on Jerry's part, but it had a potent effect on Marcia Arnold. A tide of red rose to her sallow face. For a second her eyes wavered from the four pairs searchingly upon her. Then she answered with elaborate carelessness: "It is just possible that these two names have been omitted. I will go over my list and see."

Not until Mister Haggin abruptly picked him up under one arm and stepped into the sternsheets of the waiting whaleboat, did Jerry dream that anything untoward was to happen to him. Mister Haggin was Jerry's beloved master, and had been his beloved master for the six months of Jerry's life.

Two weeks had passed since Jerry's return to her lessons, and people had ceased to talk of the missing diamonds, although the offered reward of $500 was still in the weekly papers, and a detective still had the matter in charge, without, however, achieving the slightest success.

The very last words he spoke in this world, sweeter in Jerry's ear, Dick knew, than the finest poetry ever written. He gathered himself together and went on. It would never do to begin a habit of not sticking it out. For, wherever he was, he was always Dick Gordon to himself a person for whom he wished to have a considerable amount of respect.

Jerry's plump features had lost their infantile expression. Here face was set in lines of belligerence. She was ready to pitch into the Sans the minute she caught sight of them. "This is the street. We are not far from the house now," informed Anna, as the seven turned into the humble neighborhood in which her boarding house was located. "Look!"

"Hello, Celia Jane! I'm ridin' on a el'funt!" Jerry cried shrilly to make her hear. Celia Jane both heard and saw and she seemed glued to the gate-post with surprise. Her mouth opened as though she were going to speak and remained open, without a word coming out. Nora turned and fled into the house crying: "Mother! Mother! Jerry's ridin' by on a el'funt from the circus!"

"His coat is brown, much the color of Jerry's, but his fur is not nearly so soft and fine." "I suppose he has enemies just as the rest of us little people have," said Peter. "Of course," replied Old Mother Nature. "All little people have enemies, and most big ones too, for that matter. King Eagle is one and Yowler the Bob Cat is another. They are always watching for Stubtail.

I don't like horrors any more than he does; but when I hear about them I want to go straight where they are and do something to stop them. That's what I chose my profession for." "I know. Because you're so sorry. So sorry. But Jerry's sorry too. So sorry that he can't bear it." "But he's got to bear it. There it is and he's got to take it.

"Come," said Running Stream, supplementing Jerry's interpretation and making toward the bluff. Cameron followed him and came upon the skins of three jumping deer, of two mountain sheep and of two bear. They turned back again to the fire. "My young men no take cattle," said the Chief with haughty pride.

Could it be possible that this was the person in whom I had seen such a menace to Jerry's happiness? "I have merely taught Jerry to be honest, Miss Van Wyck," I replied. "I ask no credit of him or of you." "But if it pleases me to give it to you," she said softly, "you surely can't object." "No, but I don't ask laurels I don't deserve. Jerry is merely himself." "Plus, Mr.