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He turned, as he let the machine dive, back toward the French lines. Then, as the German antiaircraft gunners saw their target flashing clear in flames and they strewed their shrapnel closer before it, the biplane fluttered and fell, no longer diving under guidance, but out of control. Chester jerked about to Hal; over the forms strapped between them, he saw Hal's face in the light of the flame.

Conniston stepped forward quickly and jerked the bottle out of the cook's hand, hurling it against the stove, where it broke into a score of pieces. The bottle upon the table he treated in similar fashion. "Now," he said, sternly, "you get to work and get something cooked for the men. Haven't even a fire, have you?" He stepped close to the cook again, thrusting his face close up to the other's.

"All right," acquiesced Giova; "but what we do with this?" and she jerked her thumb toward Willie Case. "If he don't behave we'll feed him to Beppo," suggested Bridge. Willie shook in his boots, figuratively speaking, for in reality he shook upon his bare feet. "Lemme go," he wailed, "an' I won't tell nobody nothin'." "No," said Bridge, "you don't go until we're safely out of here.

All but Stinky, who held his glass as if it belonged to someone else, disdaining to touch it. Chook's gorge rose at the sight. "Don't eat it, if it chokes yer," he cried. With an oath Stinky threw the glass on the ground, where it broke with a noisy crash that jerked every head in their direction as if pulled by strings. "I can pay fer wot I eat," he cried. "Come on, Liz."

He was fingering the priest's sleeve by now, and his eyes were full of a pitiable anxiety. "What do you wish me to do?" "Well, they'll say I was responsible if the negotiations come to anything, I mean. They'll say I urged them on. They'll sacrifice me me and the President. They'll say they never would have gone to such lengths What's that noise?" Monsignor jerked his head impatiently.

You might sign that, Dayson, and get it off to-night. Is Sowter here?" For answer, Dayson jerked his head towards an inner door. Sowter was the old clerk who had first received Hilda into the offices of Mr. Q. Karkeek. He was earning a little extra money by clerical work at nights in connection with the advertisement department of the new organ. Mr. Cannon marched to the inner door and opened it.

Colonel had seemed to acquire a singular attachment for the boy and the dog, while Pete distrusted both of them. He had never a moment's leisure, anyhow, being always busy with his work or the flies. A few breaks in the pack basket had been repaired with green withes. It creaked with its load of jerked venison when put aboard.

"Monsieur de Montville!" a quiet voice said. He jerked round, bringing his heels together with instinctive precision. Again, in the glare of the lamp-post their eyes met. "I have not the pleasure," he muttered stiffly. "My name is Mordaunt," the other told him gravely. "You will remember me presently, though not probably by name. Come in out of the rain. It is impossible to talk here."

Ropes were attached to its forelegs, each rope held by an assistant, who jerked on the same stoutly when a third man, standing in front of the pony, tapped it on the knees with a short, stiff whip of rattan. Whereupon the pony went down on its knees in the sawdust in a genuflection to the man with the whip.

I seized it to support myself, and was surprised at finding it jerked from me occasionally; as if there was somebody else who had hold of it, and who wished to force me to let it go; but it was quite dark, and I could distinguish nothing. I clung to it until daylight appeared, when what was my horror to perceive an enormous shark close to me.