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In Tunis they are scattered throughout the Jereed; in Algeria they are established at the oases of Souf and Mezab; in Morocco we find them at Sous and Wadnoun; and in Tripoli they are located in nearly every town of the coast, whilst a few visit The Mountains. But, to the credit of the Jews and their mercantile genius, it is not their fault.

Our party was very respectable, consisting of the Agha of the Arabs, two or three of the Bey's mamelukes, the Kaëd of the Jereed, whose name is Braun, and fifty or sixty Arab guards, besides ourselves. There were two famous saints here, one of whom was a hundred years of age.

The water is drawn by small channels from the stream to each individual tree, around the stalk and root of which a little basin is made and fenced round with clay, so that the water, when received, is detained there until it soaks into the earth. Besides the Jereed, Tafilett, in Morocco, is a great date-country. Mr.

The Jereed, from the existence in it of a few antiquities, such as pieces of granite and marble, and occasionally a name or a classic inscription, is proved to have been in the possession of the Romans, and undoubtedly of the Carthaginians before them, who could have had no difficulty in holding this flat and exposed country. The trade and resources of this country consist principally in dates.

Here was the village of Dra-el-Hammah, surrounded, like all the towns of the Jereed, with date-groves and gardens. The houses were most humbly built of mud and bricks. After a scorching march, we encamped just beyond, having made only ten miles. Saw quantities of bright soft spar, called talc. Here also the ground was covered with a saline effloresence.

Our tourists saw no lions en route, or in the Jereed; the lion does not like the sandy and open country of the plain. Very thick brushwood, and ground broken with rocks, like the ravines of the Atlas, are his haunts. Several Arabs were flogged for having stolen the barley of which they had charge.

For this tree, which loves a warm climate, and a sandy soil, is yet wonderfully improved by frequent irrigation, and, singularly, the quality of the water appears of little consequence, being salt or sweet, or impregnated with nitre, as in the Jereed. Irrigation is performed in the spring, and through the whole summer.

Author takes leave of the Governor of Mogador, and embarks for England. Rough Weather. Arrival in London. Leaving Dra-el-Hammah, after a hot march of five or six miles, we arrived at the top of a rising ground, at the base of which was situate the famous Toser, the head-quarters of the camp in the Jereed, and as far as it goes.

Indeed, we may say, it is the all and everything of the Jereed, and, as it is said of the camel and the desert, the palm is made for the Jereed, and the Jereed is made for the palm.

Salt Lake. Its vast extent. Beautiful Palm-trees. The Dates, a staple article of Food. Some Account of the Date-Palm. Made of Culture. Delicious Beverage. Tapping the Palm. Meal formed from the Dates. Baskets made of the Branches of the Tree. Poetry of the Palm. Its Irrigation. Palm-Groves. Collection of Tribute by the "Bey of the Camp." Tour in the Jereed of Captain Balfour and Mr. Reade.