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"Have you made any plan about going to the country?" asked Violet, eagerly. "No, my dear. I trust it will not be necessary. It could not be easily managed," said Mrs Inglis, with a sigh. "If we were only not quite so poor," said Violet. "I say, Letty, don't you think mamma has trouble enough without your bother?" said Jem, sharply, as his mother went out of the room.

As he turned away in search of Mary, Clara felt a soft hand on her shoulder, and Isabel beckoned her to follow into the back drawing-room, where the tree was burnt out and deserted. 'I may thank you, said Isabel, in a low, sweet voice, pressing her hand. 'And Jem, said Clara; 'he thought of it first. 'It is the most beautiful Christmas gift; but I do not like for you to part with it, my dear.

And now, ladies, as I have declared my message, I must bid you good evening; as they expects me round to old uncle Jem Brown's to watch to-night." And with a deep bow the professor retired. "Oh, Hannah!" wailed Nora, hiding her head in her sister's bosom. "Well, my dear, what is the matter?" "I am so frightened." "What at?" "The thoughts of Mrs. Brudenell!" "Then don't go.

About six couple of large heavy hounds, with deep and pendant ears, heavy well-feathered sterns, broad chests, and muscular strong limbs, were gathered round their feeder, the renowned Jem Lyn; on whom it may not be impertinent to waste a word or two, before proceeding to the mountain, which, as I learned, to my no little wonder, was destined to be our hunting ground.

'I see your affection given to a most worthy object, and I know what your notions of submission will end in. 'Once for all, Jem, said Fitzjocelyn, 'do you know how you are using my father? No; Isabel Conway may be the happiness or the disappointment of my life I cannot tell.

"And the water's boiling hot," added Don. "You can see it bubbling just at this end." "Think o' that now!" said Jem. "I say, what a big fire there must be somewhere down b'low. Strikes me, Mas' Don, that when I makes my fortun' and buys an estate I sha'n't settle here." "No, Jem. `There's no place like home." "Well, home's where you settle, arn't it? But this won't do for me.

"Don't talk, Jem; they may hear us." "What! A whisper like that, my lad? Not they. Boats is a long way off, too, now."

On reflection he begged Jem to come to his tent; there he sat down and wrote a letter. "Young man," said he, "I do entreat you to give this to George Fielding the moment he returns to the camp. Why did he go without coming to see me? my old heart is full of misgivings." "You needn't have any, sir," said Jem, surprised at the depth of feeling in the old Jew's face and voice.

And having done that, he died "very quiet and comfortable" so John Dempsey reported. "Which is more than poor Jem Watson did," growled Halsey.

And where did Master Marner get his knowledge of herbs from and charms too, if he liked to give them away? Jem Rodney's story was no more than what might have been expected by anybody who had seen how Marner had cured Sally Oates, and made her sleep like a baby, when her heart had been beating enough to burst her body, for two months and more, while she had been under the doctor's care.