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Those near enough to see, saw that he was accompanied by Jellicoe's clock-work rat, which moved rapidly over the floor in the direction of the opposite wall. "May I fetch a book from my desk, sir?" asked Mike. "Very well be quick, Jackson; we are busy." Being interrupted in one of his addresses to the Brigade irritated Mr. Downing. The muffled cries grew more distinct.

The Lutzow and the Pommern were sunk; the battleship Konig was so battered that her forecastle was only 61/2 feet above water when she struggled into port; and the Seydlitz and the Derfflinger were in little better case. At 5.56 Beatty sighted Jellicoe's battleships at five miles' distance on his port bow.

We can pick up somebody else to make a party for you, and finish with a supper at Jellicoe's." "Are you privileged to introduce whom you like to Miss Lalage?" "Well, as to that, she doesnt stand much on ceremony; but then, you see, that cuts two ways. The mere introducing is no difficulty; but it depends on the man himself whether he gets snubbed afterward or not.

The British would have been better off if every armored cruiser had been left at home. The dominating feature of the story is the influence of the torpedo on Jellicoe's tactics. It is fair to say that it was the Parthian tactics of the German destroyer, both actual and potential, that saved the High Seas Fleet and robbed the British of a greater Trafalgar.

There was no longer any hope of carrying out the plan of throwing himself across the head of the German column, but if Von Hipper could not be driven into Jellicoe's arms it was conceivable that he might be led there, and with him the additional force that Von Scheer was bringing up to join him.

"It is probable," said Admiral Jellicoe's despatch, "that Sir Robert Arbuthnot, during his engagement with the enemy's light cruisers, and in his desire to complete their destruction, was not aware of the approach of the enemy's heavy ships, owing to the mist, until he found himself in close proximity to the main fleet, and before he could withdraw his ships, they were caught under a heavy fire and disabled."

One of the most inexplicable incidents of the day occurred as Jellicoe's fleet approached the battle area and shortly before the leading ship of his column passed through the opening in Beatty's column as already described.

It would take you some time to break in." "Well," said Mr. Jellicoe, with his hand on the window, "do you agree yes or no?" "All right," said Badger sulkily. "I agree." "You promise not to molest me in any way until I have quite finished?" "I promise." Mr. Jellicoe's head disappeared and the window closed.

The first point selected for criticism by those who venture to criticize is the initial separation of Beatty's force from Jellicoe's by from sixty to seventy miles. This certainly proved unfortunate, and if it was deliberately planned it is undoubtedly open to criticism. A reference, however, to the letter which Mr.

As Jellicoe's leading ships appeared through the fog, Beatty realized that he must make an opening in his column to let them through. The maneuver was perfectly conceived and perfectly timed. As Jellicoe approached he found Beatty's column opening before him.