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Jekyl made a most eloquent appeal to the jury, a common not a SPECIAL jury: he called some witnesses to their character, but no one appearing, I offered myself to give three of them, who had been my father's servants, a character for sobriety and industry, with which the court and counsel appeared much pleased.

From my point of view Mr. John Morley has a dual existence. As man and as historian he is Jekyl, but as politician he is Hyde. There is a well-known story about him, so familiar to some of us that it is possibly forgotten in England, wherefore I venture to relate it once more. He was on a car, and asked the driver: 'Well, Pat, you'll be having great times when you get Home Rule?

It was preserved amongst the manuscripts of lord Somers, which, after the death of Sir Joseph Jekyl, being publickly sold, this little piece came to be printed 1739, and was well received. To these we must add the Old Whig, No. 1 and 2.

Oglethorpe intended to visit Boston, in New England Governor Belcher's Letter to him Provincial Assembly appoint a Committee to receive him Sets out on an exploratory Excursion Names an Island, Jekyl Visits Fort Argyle Returns to Savannah Saltzburgh emigrants, conducted by Baron Von Reck, come to settle in Georgia Oglethorpe assists them in selecting a place They call it Ebenezer He then goes up the river to Palacholas Returns Goes to Charlestown, with Tomo Chichi and other Indians, in order to take passage to England.

Sir Joseph Jekyl. "The whole tenor of the administration then in being was agreed to by all to be a total departure from the Constitution. The nation was at that time united in that opinion, all but the criminal part of it. And as the nation joined in the judgment of their disease, so they did in the remedy.

I see something not material make Jekyl into Hyde; and thank God, make Hyde over into Jekyl again, when birch rods and iron bars have no effect whatever. I have seen love do physical things which the mere intellectual convictions cannot make hearts beat and eyes sparkle, that would not respond even to digitalis and strychnine.

Sir Joseph Jekyl was, as I have always heard and believed, as nearly as any individual could be, the very standard of Whig principles in his age. He was a learned and an able man; full of honor, integrity, and public spirit; no lover of innovation; nor disposed to change his solid principles for the giddy fashion of the hour. Let us hear this Whig. Sir Joseph Jekyl.

"On the 14th of July the Spaniards burned all the works and houses on the south end of St. Simons and Jekyl islands. "On the 15th the large vessels, with the Cuba forces on board, stood out to sea; and the Governor and troops from St. Augustine embarked in the galleys and small vessels, and took the inland passage, and encamped on the north end of Cumberland island, at Fort St. Andrews.

Sort of a Doctor Jekyl and Mr. Hyde in every one of us. I heard the other day in our laboratory of a man who had taken and grafted one part of the body of an insect on the body of another. He tried it both on the chrysalis and on an insect too. I understood that he took the pupa of a spider and by very careful work grafted upon it the pupa of a fly.

But the houses that had been built, and the fields that had been tilled and sown, were, as yet, to be in common for the public benefit." At the south end of the island he caused to be erected a strong battery, called Fort St. Simons, commanding the entrance to Jekyl sound; and a camp of barracks and some huts.