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"I'm sorry, Jeff," he said, in a far-away voice. "I I'd do anything I could for you but I'm afraid of those sheep." He dragged miserably through the remnant of their conversation and then lay staring at the stars while his hulk of a partner, this great bear who in his awkward good nature had trampled upon holy ground, slept peacefully by his side.

Did she go on to do it just to show him, did she do it so now because she was no longer loving, did she do it so because that was her way to make him be really loving. Jeff never did know how it was that it all happened so to him. Melanctha acted now the way she had said it always had been with them. Now it was always Jeff who had to do the asking.

"No, I sha'n't be gone, but " Addressing herself to the astounded overalled man on the porch, she declared, "You're quite right, Jeff. And Milt is wrong. Insane adventure. Only, it's wonderful to be young enough to do insane adventures. Falling down abyssy places is so much more interesting than bridge. I'm going going going!... Milt, you telephone." "Don't you think you better?" "No, siree!

Had he not been at it himself since the first streak of dawn? But he felt that Jeff was going beyond the bounds of necessity. Even beyond the bounds of reason. However, he was not given much time to nurse any imaginary grievance. For Nan reappeared after a surprisingly short interval, and the transformation she had achieved was not a little startling.

But even while ejecting the "pooh!" he wondered why the disappointment was so severe. Was it possible that he was being taught by experience the lesson which Miss Millet's reasoning powers had failed to inculcate? It was blowing hard when Jeff reached the cliffs, and, bending forward to the increasing blast made his way to the rugged coast which was to be the scene of his night vigil.

But he gave no quarter. "I said I'd run over to-night, paper or no paper. I'm frightfully busy, you know, cruelly, abominably busy. But I just wanted to see Jeff." "Won't you come in?" said Anne. Even then he did not abandon his hat. He kept his hold on it, bearing it before him in a way that made Anne think absurdly of shields and bucklers.

Not to the people of the South do I lay the blame of the frightful mortality among prisoners, in those pens of starvation, but to Jeff.

Take it altogether I don't think he has enjoyed watching the success of Jefferson Worth's little experiments as much as we have. The same beneficent power that has knocked out the Company seems to have taken good care of friend Jeff." "You are not going to stay in the West?" asked the engineer. "I go Monday. I understand there is still a demand for good mules back home."

She had then even given him some vague hints of a prospective hospitality, and she confessed her sin of omission in a swift but graphic retrospect to one of her brave girls, while Jeff stood blocking out a space for his stalwart bulk amid the alien elegance just within the doorway, and the host was making his way toward him, with an outstretched hand of hardy welcome.

He left his sentence unfinished. In her mind Nan completed it. But aloud she gave it another ending. "If she'd been a man I don't guess she'd have been there to have you lay hands on her." There was a new note in the girl's tones. But it passed Jeff by. "No," he said with almost foolish seriousness.