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He gave him a blow that broke his jaw-bone and sent him rolling into a water-spout. At that moment seven or eight carpenters, who were working on the rafters, heard their companion's cry and looked through the window. Seeing the prince on the coping they climbed along a ladder that was leaning on the slates and reached him just as he was slipping into the tower.

Then did they bind him with two cords, and lead him on, in order to deliver him to the Philistines; and when they came to a certain place, which is now called the Jaw-bone, on account of the great action there performed by Samson, though of old it had no particular name at all, the Philistines, who had pitched their camp not far off, came to meet them with joy and shouting, as having done a great thing, and gained what they desired; but Samson broke his bonds asunder, and catching up the jaw-bone of an ass that lay down at his feet, fell upon his enemies, and smiting them with his jaw-bone, slew a thousand of them, and put the rest to flight and into great disorder.

I only fell in with him the day before the commencement of the campaign, and, after reconnoitring him with my usual judgement, and seeing that he was in possession of the regulated quantity of eyes, legs, and mouth, and concluding that they were all calculated to perform their different functions, I took him, as a man does his wife, for better and for worse; and it was not until the end of the first day's march that I found he had a broken jaw-bone, and could not eat, and I had, therefore, been obliged to support him all along on spoon diet; he was a capital horse, only for that!

Another jaw-bone, containing several teeth, supposed to have belonged to a species of monkey about three feet high, was discovered about the same time in a stratum of marl surmounted by compact limestone, in the department of Gers, at the foot of the Pyrenees.

All the by-standers wished me to make a trial of it, but I declined it. The workman, however, through the abundance of his self-conceit, would try it himself, and accordingly it carried off part of his jaw-bone and hand. I was convinced from what I had seen, that this gunsmith's want of skill was the occasion of many wounds which they received in battle.

And he the jaw-bone of an ass espied, And took and smote them till a thousand died. Then said he, with an ass's jaw-bone I Have made mine enemies in heaps to lie. Behold I have destroy'd a thousand men With this same worthless ass's jaw.

You know we occupy an exceedingly precarious and uncertain position here, almost in the jaws of the lion, as it were?" "Do you mean the Frenchers by the lion, and this island as his jaws, Lieutenant?" "Metaphorically only, my friend, for the French are no lions, and this island is not a jaw unless, indeed, it may prove to be, what I greatly fear may come true, the jaw-bone of an ass."

Round the centre there is fastened a loop large enough to admit the arm and shoulder, from which it hangs when used. To the rim is tied a little bunch of silk-grass and half of the jaw-bone of the fish called pirai, with which the Indian scrapes the point of his arrow.

The eye is also a delicacy: this must be extracted with the point of the knife, and divided at discretion. The palate, situated under the head, must also be apportioned, and, if necessary, the jaw-bone should be removed, to obtain the lean meat below it.

The three hindermost grinders in each half of each jaw are not replaced by "second" teeth, whilst all the other teeth are. The teeth in the upper and lower jaw-bone of the common pig drawn from photographs. Inc. are the incisors or chisel-like front teeth, three in number, in each half of each jaw and marked 1, 2, 3. C marks the canine or dog-tooth, which here grows to be a large tusk.