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But then mothers are apt to look through different spectacles from the rest of the world. "I guess Jasper'll want to change his guardian," said Thorne, laughing. "You and he won't hitch horses very well." "Don't use such a common expression, Nicholas. I want you to grow up a well-bred gentleman." "Oh, well, I mean to.

Steer ain't got no right ter come roun' er eatin' up de co'n." "But w'y doan you go on, man? Mars Jasper'll git arter you." "I's gwine. Allus suthin' ter make er man work his j'ints," he moved off toward the door, and turning just before going out, said to Peters: "Yere come Miss Lou now." The girl came in singing, but seeing Peters, hushed, and turned to go out.

Polly was delighted with the praise they received, and her mother's commendation that she was "growing a better cook every day." "How glad Jasper'll be, won't he, mamsie?" said she. The children walked around and around the table, admiring and pointing out the chief points of attraction, as they appeared before their discriminating eyes.

"I guess 'twas," laughed Polly back again, pleased at the return of sunshine. "Well, Jasper'll be just as pleased as you were, 'cause we love him and want to do somethin' for him, he was so good to Phronsie."

"Yes, he thinks you some kind of a goddess probably; most men do till they are married, and then they're too apt to think their wives are kitchen-maids; but I don't think Jasper'll be like that!" she added hastily. Sara smiled.