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Yet, if she did love a youth, and for his sake had climbed to the spring, he must doubtless dwell in the reddish house, standing on a beautiful level patch of ground on the right of the brook, between the sea and the pool; for she glanced toward it again and again, and, except the servants, no one lived under its roof save the aged steward Jason, and Phaon, her uncle's son.

Poor Allen, there, was doing his best to teach them the manual, and curse me if they didn't hold their guns as though they burnt their fingers. And when they were ordered to 'bout face, they looked like nothing so much as the crowd I saw six months since at Newmarket, trying to get their money on Jason."

But Steve Hawn had learned from his lawyer and had told his wife Martha when she came to visit him in prison; and that late afternoon she was in the tobacco field when Mavis and Jason moved to the other end and turned their backs as Marjorie rode by on her way home and Gray an hour later galloped past the other way.

Our position is, however, that in the shiftings and migrations of peoples, the Jason tale has somehow been swept, like a piece of drift-wood, on to the coasts of Samoa. In the islands, the tale has an epical form, and is chanted in a poem of twenty- six stanzas. There is something Greek in the free and happy life of the Samoans something Greek, too, in this myth of theirs.

When he could remember his "book-learnin'" and give a high-sounding name to his complaint, his gratification was enhanced. "Hm-m; mebbe 't is, Jason," retorted his wife; "but I'm a-thinkin' that when a man of your heft and years goes kitin' 'round a ten-acre lot at the tail of a fly-away colt, he'll have all that kind of heart disease he wants, an' still live ter die of somethin' else!"

"An' Hitty, I'm goin' ter burn 'em up them books of Hemenway's," continued Jason confidentially. "They ain't very good readin', after all, an' like enough they're kind of out of date, bein' so old. I guess I'll go fetch 'em now," he added as he left the room. "Why, Hitty, they're gone!" he cried a minute later from the doorway. "Gone? "Oh, yes, I remember now.

Then the voice died away in a solemn E-flat major chord, and everything was as if sunk in the bottom of the sea. Toward the end of the summer, Philippina, Jason Philip’s daughter, shot out the eye of her seven-year-old brother with a so-called bean-shooter. The children were playing in the yard. Willibald, the older boy, wanted the shooter.

Neither of the maidens seemed to hear, and, when obliged to resign all hope of an answer, she shrugged her shoulders, and turning to Jason said: "So young and so deaf; it is sad. Poor girls!" "They like Mopsus better than you, and don't wish to hear," replied Jason, laughing. "They can't," said Semestre, angrily.

When Jason was grown up and came to demand the crown from his uncle, Pelias pretended to be willing to yield it, but at the same time suggested to the young man the glorious adventure of going in quest of the Golden Fleece, which it was well known was in the kingdom of Colchis, and was, as Pelias pretended, the rightful property of their family.

"Marjorie, you oughtn't to have asked me that. I can't explain very well. I " He stumbled and He stopped, for the girl had turned astonished eyes upon him. "Explain what?" she asked with demure wonder. "It's all right. I came near asking Jason to marry me." "Marjorie!" exploded Gray. "Well!" A negro boy burst down the path, panting: "Miss Marjorie, yo' mother says you an' Mr.