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Thomas Raulfe, Timothy Biggs, Valentine Byrd, Solomon Poole, all large landowners in Pasquotank, must have been there; Thomas Jarvis, of Currituck, and Thomas Pollock, of Chowan, may have represented their counties.

Jarvis was an elderly man inclined to be fat, with round, heavy face, very thick about the jaws and unpleasantly small eyes. Yet the expression of the man's face was not altogether disagreeable and a certain shrewd humour showed in the lines of his mouth.

She spoke impressively, and they both looked at her, waiting for the revelation about to fall from her lips. She did not keep them waiting long. "'Strawberry Acres." Silence ensued. Sally looked from one to the other. Max began to laugh. "Better call it 'Prospective Strawberry Acres'" said he. "It's certainly an original name," mused Jarvis. "Not a high-sounding one, certainly.

Painting by J. W. Jarvis. In the City Hall, New York, owned by the Corporation. Painting by J. W. Jarvis. In the City Hall, New York, owned by the Corporation. The raids of the British navy on the American sea-coast through the last two years of the war were so many efforts to make effective the blockade which began with the proclamation of December, 1812, closing Chesapeake and Delaware bays.

Jarvis picked up a magazine. "Suppose I read aloud this article on railroading," he proposed. The company consented and he began. He had not read two pages before he ran, so to speak, into a series of frightful railway wrecks. But, wishing he had chosen something else, he kept on till suddenly Bob interrupted with a fierce: "Cut it!

"Would you like muffins or pancakes for supper?" she finished up graciously. Miss Gordon hesitated. Sarah Emily was a great trial to genteel nerves, but she was undeniably a great relief from much toilsome labor that was quite incompatible with a genteel life. Sarah Emily noticed her hesitation and went on: "When Mrs. Jarvis came she had me make muffins every morning for breakfast."

"As for me do you care to know how I feel about your coming home? But I would rather tell you that than write it. You have kept me at arm's length all winter. Won't you just bend your rigid little elbow a trifle at the joint when you shake hands with me the first of May? "As ever I am "Yours, JARVIS."

To the Senate of the United States: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretaries of State and Navy, with the accompanying papers, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 11th of March, 1858, requesting the President "to communicate to the Senate any information in possession of any of the Executive Departments in relation to alleged discoveries of guano in the year 1855 and the measures taken to ascertain the correctness of the same, and also any report made to the Navy Department in relation to the discovery of guano in Jarvis and Bakers islands, with the charts, soundings, and sailing directions for those islands."

Saying which, Jarvis mounted the fence tearing a slight rent near the hem of his trousers-leg because he was not looking where he went.

I have reason to believe that my mother was also reprimanded. It must not be supposed that I permitted the matter to rest. In addition to Grits Jarvis, there was another contraband among my acquaintances, namely, Alec Pound, the scrape-grace son of the Reverend Doctor Pound.