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Once in a week or so her father gave her a lecture for her ignorance, and ordered her into his study to do a long sum in arithmetic out of the first old "Colenso" that could be picked up; and about once a week too, awakening suddenly to a sense of her own deficiencies, she would "practise" energetically on the old piano. This was all that was being done for Janey in the way of education.

Henrietta communicated the news: 'My Janey, you are asked by Lord Fleetwood whether it is your wish that he should marry you. Now, usually a well-born young woman's answer, if a willing one, is an example of weak translation. Here it was the heart's native tongue, without any roundabout, simple but direct. 'Oh, I will, I am ready, tell him. Remember, she was not speaking publicly.

Look now, here's this lady, Miss Lant, taking up the girl, and it's an advantage to her; you won't deny that. I sympathise with my good old dad; I do, honestly; but I can't help thinking that Janey, in her position, ought to see a little of the world. There's no secrets between us; you know what she'll have as well as I do.

I only laughed for fun!" cried Janey, drying her eyes not without a little indignation; and thus peace was made, for indeed one was dying to tell all that happened, and the other dying to hear.

"Oh dear," said one maiden Janey Harman by name whose blonde complexion should have been pink and white, but was mottled with alien and unbecoming hues, "why won't that old Cat let us have fires to dress by? Gracious, Margaret, how black your fingers are!"

Northcote, Phoebe and Reginald, and Clarence Copperhead, with Janey behind, who followed where they went, but did not enjoy the ceremony. It was bad enough in the drawing-room; but moonlight, who cared about moonlight? Janey said to herself indignantly. She was the only one who looked up to Mrs.

He sets lessons to her queer maid reading, writing, pronunciation of English. An inferior language to Welsh, for poetical purposes, we are informed. So Janey determining to apply herself to Welsh, and a chameleon Riette dreading that she will be taking a contrary view of the honest souls as she feels them to be when again under Livia's shadow.

But Margaret did not go further in her confessions, nor explain more lucidly why she had scant affection for Mait-land of St. Gatien's. "And had your poor father no other friends who could take care of you?" Janey asked. "There was a gentleman who called now and then; I saw him twice. He had been an officer in father's ship, I think, or had known him long ago at sea.

The girl could not grasp all these astonishing facts at once, and the presence of her father made her forget who Miss Peckover had become. 'You mean my wife, Janey! No, no; she didn't tell me you went to work; an accident. But I'm delighted you and Clem are such good friends. Kind-hearted girl, isn't she? Jane whispered an assent.

"My name's Edmonia Jackson," she had said, in answer to Mrs. Burnam's question; "but dey mos'ly calls me Janey. But laws, Mis', ef you 'll on'y let me stay yere, you all can call me what you want. Names is nothin', but I don' want to work in one o' them log-cabins; they 's too much like what our po' w'ites lives in. Give me brick or nothin'!"