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It's all very queer but even queer things are sometimes reasonable," and she threw an affectionate arm about the little freshman as she turned her back on the judicial office in the big, gray stone building. Not going to bed at all, Janey?" queried Judith, letting her hair fall over her shoulders and shaking her head like a happy care-free Collie. "This bed is too inviting to slight that way.

"Oh!" she said, "here she is she is coming! all by herself, and we can't help meeting her the young lady in black!" "Shall we speak to her?" said Janey with a little awe. "Who is the young lady in black?" said Reginald, "this girl who is coming up? I never saw her before in Carlingford. Is she some one you have met with the Dorsets? She don't look much like Grange Lane."

But to-day he did notice that she wore a black "costume" didn't they call it? with white frills, trimmings he supposed they were, at the neck and sleeves. All this while Janey handed him round. "John, dear!" And then: "I want to introduce you to " Finally they did escape, and she led the way to her state-room.

"Of course," Nora joined in with Janey, at once "Aunt Janice told us that we could invite any one we met out here." Marty and Beth had caught hands at the mention of a party and were dancing around in a circle. Then Nora began laughing "Why, we've had such a pleasant day, that we forgot all about digging up wild ferns to carry back with us."

Janey, too, had thrown herself into it heart and soul, until she received the crushing intimation from her father, that her company was not expected at this stately meal; a discovery which altogether extinguished poor Janey, accustomed to be always in the front whatever occurred, and to whom suggestions of things that could not be done by a girl who was not "out," had never presented themselves.

Instead of feeling the shock of difference she should have thought of those who had never been so lucky as she was, who had never seen anything out of Carlingford. "Don't be so foolish, Janey," she said, "I am glad; and I have brought you such beautiful presents. But when you do nothing but laugh " "I am sure I didn't laugh to hurt.

"Don't ask any one else; why should we have any one else?" they all said, except Janey, who had condescended to appear in the evening in her best frock, though she was not admitted at dinner, and who thought a few additional guests, and a round game now and then, would be delightful variations upon the ordinary programme; but the others did not agree with her.

"There's someone inside the tower room," she gasped "I saw a handkerchief waving behind the ivy covered window!" "Hush!" Nora broke in hurriedly, "you imagined that, Janey probably a white pigeon has flown in and can't find its way out again." "Imagined indeed!" Janey's voice was shaking with excitement, "I tell you that someone is there at this moment, peering through those overhanging vines."

Janey, with many contortions of her person, especially of her mouth, with which she seemed to follow the movements of her needle, was stitching up a sleeve of her new frock which Miss Dorset had sent her, and which a poor dress-maker, who "went out," was at this moment making up in the schoolroom; while Ursula was still busy with the basket of stockings which she had found awaiting her on their return.

"I sen' you a plat of my hair, an' I wants you to sen' me one of yours; an' an " Janey hesitated, while she put on her cap once more.