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Extended that bit down through the wood." The garden was his one great hobby. "And Aunt Janet," Joan questioned, "she always used to like taking Sally out." "I suppose that was when you were here;" he looked down at her sideways, "she missed you, I think, but she potters about the village sometimes." He relapsed into silence, and Joan could see that his thoughts were once more far away.

When she had reached her room, Janet began to wonder why she had told her parents. Had it not been in order to relieve their anxiety especially her mother's on the score of her recent absences from home? Yes, that was it, and because the news would make them happy. And then the mere assertion to them that she was to marry Ditmar helped to make it more real to herself.

I ask you to pass this budget and I thank you for the extraordinary support you have given Republicans and Democrats alike to our men and women in uniform. I especially want to thank Secretary Cohen for symbolizing our bipartisan commitment to our national security and Janet Cohen, I thank you for tirelessly traveling the world to show our support for the troops.

Then she paused, as though it were now his turn to speak; but there was something further that she felt herself bound to say, and, as he was still silent, she continued. "My friends, those whom I most trust in the world, my aunt and Janet Fenwick, all tell me that it will be best for me to accept your offer. I have made no promise to either of them.

"How brave you were," murmured Jess Morse admiringly. "You've got a head on you, sure enough!" exclaimed Bobby Hargrew, while the Red Cross girl, blushing and with downcast eyes, began hastily to adjust her veil again. "Oh, it was nothing," murmured Janet. "Tell it to Lily. Here comes Lily Pendleton," said Jess, smiling again. "She won't think it was nothing."

"No; I can't cry now. I try to. I can't." "God! What a difference it 'ud make to you!" said Janet. "What would?" "If you had a kiddy. What was this little Maurie like? He sounded sweet in your letters. Why don't you see as much of him as you can? I'm sure he's fond of you. Isn't he?" "Yes in his way in his dear little way. But you don't want fondness from children." "What do you want, then?"

Ed was conscious; he told me the real story about which you lied, " "I did not lie," Janet stated, firmly. Sorenson made an angry gesture as if to sweep aside this declaration. "He told me how you promised to slip away with him to spend a week in the mountains, and how you warned this Weir so that the two of you could trick my son and get him out of the way.

"Well, I would like to go," he said. "Could I go if I knew how to ride a pony, Uncle Frank?" "Well, I don't know. I'm afraid you're too little. But, speaking of riding a pony, to-morrow I'll have one of the cowboys start in to teach you and Janet to ride. Now I guess I'll have to go see this Henry Jensen and ask him about the Indians and my stolen ponies."

"Oh, the magnum bonums!" she cried; and Janet came rushing out in dismay at the sound, standing aghast, but not exclaiming. "Weren't they for us?" asked Bobus, the first to get the stone out of his mouth.

I say, I've been noticing that Jarve and Janet seem to hit it off pretty well." "Do they? That's very nice. You like Janet yourself, don't you?" "She's the belle of the ball, now you're away, and a mighty jolly girl to have around. If you don't look out your old friend J.B. will slip away from you." Sally's head went up, her cheeks bloomed a deeper colour.